polus anterior lentis是什么意思 polus anterior lentis的中文翻译、读音、例句

polus anterior lentis是什么意思 polus anterior lentis的中文翻译、读音、例句

polus anterior lentis的意思是"晶体体前极、医",还有前极的意思,读音为[polusanteriorlentis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到27个与polus anterior lentis相关的句子。

Polus anterior lentis的翻译


例句:Results: There was no significant difference in the conditions of anterior segment between the two groups. (结果:术后实验组与对照组眼前段情况无明显差异。)


例句:Severed the sartorious muscle, the anterior gracilis, and partial trauma to the rectus. (Severed the sartorious muscle, 切断了sartorious肌肉, the anterior gracilis, 股薄肌前部, and partial trauma to the rectus.)


例句:Quantitative determination of aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea (前葡萄膜炎患者房水闪辉和炎性细胞的定量测量)


polus anterior lentis一般作为名词使用,如在Polus anterior(前极)、Polus posterior lentis(晶状体后极)、polus postetiot lentis([医] 晶状体后极, 后极)等常见短语中出现较多。

Polus anterior前极
Polus posterior lentis晶状体后极
polus postetiot lentis[医] 晶状体后极, 后极
Facies anterior lentis晶状体前面
stella lentis anterior晶状体前星
polus frontalis[医] 额极(大脑)
polus occipitalis[医] 枕极


1. Quantitative determination of aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea (翻译:前葡萄膜炎患者房水闪辉和炎性细胞的定量测量)

2. The anterior approach utilizes the interval between the sartorius and tensor fascia. (翻译:前方入路利用了缝匠肌和阔筋膜张肌之间的间隙。)

3. Variable degree of corectopia and peripheral anterior synechia occurred in all eyes. (翻译:所有患眼均有不同程度之瞳孔异位及周边前黏连。)

4. We found no Pacinian corpuscles in the musculus tibialis anterior. (翻译:但在胫前肌内未看到环层小体。)

5. The material fused into the anterior ventral femur appears to be plastic,partially melted. (翻译:某种熔化进腹前侧的大腿骨处 看上去是塑料 部分融化)

6. The tibialis anterior of the back leg dorsiflexes the ankle, drawing it towards the shin. (翻译:后腿的胫骨前使脚踝关节背曲,把它向胫骨的方向提。)

7. Rectopexy and anterior resection have been performed laparoscopically with good results. (翻译:直肠固定术和直肠前切除术已在腹腔镜下进行,效果很好。)

8. Decompression via corpectomy and reconstruction With strut graft and anterior instrumentation. (翻译:做椎体次全切除术来缓解脊压 脊椎前路椎体融合术重造脊椎)

9. A study on the correlation of the elastic properties of the lens anterior capsule zonules. (翻译:晶状体前囊膜及韧带伸展特性等相关指标的研究获xx年度广西科技进步二等奖。)

10. All patients underwent anterior vertebrectomy and decompression; anterior fusion was carried out with costal or iliac ala grafts. (翻译:所有患者均进行了前路椎体切除减压,并用肋骨或髂骨进行了前路植骨融合。)

11. Humans actually developed the front of the neocortex, called the anterior part of the neocortex. (翻译:我们会发展新大脑皮层的前端, 然后大自然会弄一小把戏 )

12. Complications include rebleeding, corneal blood staining, anterior synechiae, and glaucoma. (翻译:并发症包括再次出血,角膜血染,前房粘连,和青光眼。)

13. Anterior gastrotomy for access and cystogastrostomy creation through the posterior wall. (翻译:经前路胃切开术进入 然后通过后壁进行胃吻合术)

14. There was no significant difference in QTd and QTcd between anterior AMI and inferior one. (翻译:前壁与下壁AMI之间上述指标差异无显著性。)

15. It usually drainaged to anterior and posterior spinal vein at the same time. (翻译:其引流静脉常同时向脊髓前、后静脉引流。)

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