polyliths是什么意思 polyliths的中文翻译、读音、例句

polyliths是什么意思 polyliths的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Li Cun Xiao is the last to come, his original name is An Jin Si, but father said he's the same name as 11th Brother, so named him Li Cun Xiao. (这小子本来叫安敬思 可是父王说他跟十一哥名字相同 不好称呼,赐姓名叫李存孝)


例句:Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)


例句:When we first watched Poly's film, and I saw Buster Matthews... (我们第一次看保利队的录像 我看到混蛋Matthews的时候)


1. When we first watched Poly's film, and I saw Buster Matthews... (翻译:我们第一次看保利队的录像 我看到混蛋Matthews的时候)

2. All-poly is probably worse than cotton-poly blends. (翻译:全聚材料比棉混纺聚要糟糕的多。)

3. Make the receipt out to Wan Li Company (翻译:这是收据 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Make the receipt out to Wan Li Company)

4. TH: And what Penelope says here is even more true. (翻译:TH:Penelop说的 再真实不过了。)

5. As the complexity steps and high cost of synthetic poly malic acid, producing poly malic acid fermentation is especially important. (翻译:由于人工合成聚苹果酸步骤复杂,成本高,因此生物发酵生产聚苹果酸就显得尤为重要了。)

6. As Li Zhen reports, Avril left her fans eager for more. (翻译:Li Zhen报道,艾薇儿令她的歌迷渴望看到她更多演唱会。)

7. Miguel Fidalgo Marcos in 10th. (翻译:Miguel Fidalgo Marcos,10th.)

8. Yes, th-there -- there was a leak, (翻译:Yes, th -there... there was a leak,)

9. The poly (p phenylene borane) and poly (m phenylene borane) are synthesized by the modified organometallic route. (翻译:用改进的有机金属路线合成了聚对亚苯基硼和聚间亚苯基硼。)

10. Li, the most common surname. (翻译:而李则是最普遍的姓氏 Li, the most common surname.)

11. OK, then, in the first part of the 19th century... (翻译:in the first part of the 19th century...)

12. would you like a 9th portion? (翻译:would you like a 9th portion?)

13. Conclusion: the concentration of the blood cadmium intends to decrease the level of TH1, TH2 in the children peripheral blood. (翻译:结论:血镉含量增高会降低儿童外周血th1、TH2细胞数水平。)

14. Well, I know three of these brothers. (翻译:I know three of these brothers. Th)

15. -...you leave this week, huh? (翻译:- ... you leave th s week, huh? - 你要在这周离开吗?)

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