polypteri是什么意思 polypteri的中文翻译、读音、例句

polypteri是什么意思 polypteri的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:They brought Teri over very young. (泰莉被她们带过来的时候还很小 They brought Teri over very young.)





1. Objective: To explore the diagnosis and treatment of ureteral polyp. (翻译:目的探讨输尿管息肉的诊断与治疗。)

2. Tony brings Teri into CTU. Teri demands to speak to Jack, but Nina fends her off. (翻译:托尼将泰瑞带入反恐组,泰瑞要求与杰克通话,但尼娜挡开了她的要求。)

3. Objective: To investigate the hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp. (翻译:目的:探讨宫腔镜治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤及子宫颈息肉的临床效果。)

4. Objective: To explore the effect Diaceturate after operation of nasal polyp. (翻译:目的:探讨速止对鼻息肉摘除术后的止血疗效。)

5. Jack checks in with Teri on his way to help Walsh. (翻译:在救援沃尔什的路上,杰克给泰瑞打电话通报情况。)

6. Tony brings Teri into CTU. Teri demands to speak to Jack, but Nina fends her off. (翻译:托尼将泰瑞带入反恐组,泰瑞要求与杰克通话,但尼娜挡开了她的要求。)

7. Why did he go in for colon polyp removal? (翻译:为什么他会在结肠息肉切除? )

8. He's right outside the door. (翻译:- Teri! 他就在门外,他说我的同事受伤了!)

9. We were seated in your section, but you made Teri wait on us. (翻译:我的座位在你的服务区,但你跟Teri换了。We were seated in your section, but you made Teri wait on us.)

10. Teri, that bridge loan we did a draft on for Mr. Quinson? (翻译:泰瑞,我们做到了过桥贷款 一对草案Quinson先生?)

11. She can handle this a lot better than me. (翻译:She can handle this better than me. Teri,不,别去找她。)

12. Teri halloran, FBI. Are you there? (翻译:This is the FBI, are you there?)

13. Results The polyp recurrence rate was highly correlated with the eosinophil infiltration in the tissue. (翻译:结果嗜酸性粒细胞浸润程度越深,鼻息肉越易复发。)

14. Patch me through on a call to the department of defense. (翻译:Teri,保持冷静。Patch me through to the Department of Defence.)

15. Dr. Parslow tells Teri that he never met Kim. (翻译:帕司若医生告诉泰瑞,他从未与金姆见过面。)

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