pompillion是什么意思 pompillion的中文翻译、读音、例句

pompillion是什么意思 pompillion的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Chemical additives and raw materials sales: the company is acting Millicon transparent agent sales, also engaged in PP, PE, pom, etc . (化工助剂及原料销售:我公司代理美国美丽肯透明剂等的销售;同时也在从事PP,PE,聚甲醛等的国内国际贸易。)


例句:Under ultraviolet light the hybrid material change from colorless into the blue, POMs has been deoxidized to heteropolybules. (在紫外光照射下,样品由无色变为蓝色,POM被还原为相应的杂多蓝物种。)


1. He drove his motorbike, with me riding pillion. (翻译:他开摩托车,我坐在后座上。)

2. I was riding Kevin's wife's bike. She took up the pillion seat behind Kev. (翻译:我驾驶的是凯文妻子的摩托车,她则坐在凯文的后座上。)

3. Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke. (翻译:而马克思所居住的纽约则显得阴郁得多,只有黑白灰三种颜色,直到玛丽给马克思寄来一个明红色的小绒球,马克思将它戴在自己的圆顶小帽上,才给画面带来一抹亮色。)

4. POM & management agree or disagree new product can be released to manufacturing according to result of pilot run. (翻译:厂长和管理层根据试生产的结果同意或不同意新产品发布到制造阶段。)

5. On May 11th he rode pillion as a motorcycle whisked him unnoticed, before dawn, to villages in Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi. (翻译:xx月xx日凌晨,他避人耳目地坐在摩托车后座抵达了德里附近的北方邦村庄。)

6. Two kinds of light-shield agents of ZnO and carbon black were used to improve the ageing-resistance of polyacetal(POM). (翻译:采用炭黑和氧化锌两种光屏蔽剂对共聚甲醛进行耐老化改性。)

7. This set of colorful fairy crown pillows are accented with satin and lace and topped with cheery yellow pom-poms. (翻译:这套彩色的仙女花冠枕头用绸缎,饰带做成,顶部有黄色的镶珠。)

8. ♪ Yah pum da pim de pom, yah pum da pim de pie ♪ (翻译:呀PUM达PIM德聚甲醛, 呀PUM达PIM德馅饼)

9. - Every one. - Every one of them? - Cheerleaders, pom pom girls. (翻译:全上了 拉拉队员们 垒球女将们 你开玩笑)

10. POM is an essential tool that maximizes productivity, by optimizing time for a refined result. (翻译:是一个必不可少的工具,聚最大化,通过优化生产率的一段时间内雅致的结果。)

11. How do we get there? Bet three can't ride pillion here, eh? (翻译:我们怎么样去那 摩托车不能坐三个人 是吧)

12. All we need to do is to set packaging attribute value to WAR in application's pom. xml file and use another WAR artifact as a dependency. (翻译:我们需要做的只是在应用的pom.xml文件中为WAR文件设置打包属性,并设置对另一个WAR文件的依赖。)

13. Two kinds of light-shield agents of ZnO and carbon black were used to improve the ageing-resistance of polyacetal(POM). (翻译:采用炭黑和氧化锌两种光屏蔽剂对共聚甲醛进行耐老化改性。)

14. Using XQuery, it takes only a few lines of code to retrieve valuable information from your Maven POM files. (翻译:使用XQuery,只需几行代码就可以从您的MavenPOM文件检索有价值的信息。)

15. As the new colors mingled with the red, I realized the performance means meant more than funny pom-poms. (翻译:随着红色慢慢混入各种各样新的颜色,我慢慢明白这场表演想要表达的不仅仅是搞笑的毛绒球。)

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