pomorskoye是什么意思 pomorskoye的中文翻译、读音、例句

pomorskoye是什么意思 pomorskoye的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In foreign languages... 70 soldiers of my very own army are seeing dreams. (petrik1 ipb@post. sk)


例句:In 2003, the head of SK Group, a conglomerate, was convicted of illegal share swaps designed to keep the group in family control. (xx年,SK 集团的首脑为了维持其家族对集团的控制,非法进行股权交换,并因此获罪。)


例句:Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke. (而马克思所居住的纽约则显得阴郁得多,只有黑白灰三种颜色,直到玛丽给马克思寄来一个明红色的小绒球,马克思将它戴在自己的圆顶小帽上,才给画面带来一抹亮色。)


pomorskoye一般作为名词使用,如在Pomorskoye([地名] 波莫尔斯科耶 ( 俄 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Pomorskoye[地名] 波莫尔斯科耶 ( 俄 )


1. Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke. (翻译:而马克思所居住的纽约则显得阴郁得多,只有黑白灰三种颜色,直到玛丽给马克思寄来一个明红色的小绒球,马克思将它戴在自己的圆顶小帽上,才给画面带来一抹亮色。)

2. But the POM isn't only about dependencies and project layout. (翻译:但POM并不只是关于依赖关系和项目布局的。)

3. SK: So that's the final element in it that just makes it that much more ridiculous, that there is a flag design within the Milwaukee flag. (翻译:SK:这就是让这面旗显得 更加荒谬的最后一个元素, 在密尔沃基市旗的里面又有一面旗。)

4. ♪ Yah pum da pim de pom, yah pum da pim de pie ♪ (翻译:呀PUM达PIM德聚甲醛, 呀PUM达PIM德馅饼)

5. SK: Los Altos, it was kind of crazy. (翻译:SK:与这个学区的合作是很有些出乎意料的。)

6. SK: OK, my bad, bringing it back. (翻译:SK:不好意思跑题了, 让我们回到主题。)

7. SK: Shibari, also known as Kinbaku, is the Japanese art of rope play. (翻译:SK:举个例子, 日式绑捆是日本的一种角色扮演。)

8. After Intel, Samsung and SK Hynix are the biggest semiconductor suppliers in the Chinese market. (翻译:在中国市场,三星与海力士是仅次于英特尔的第二大和第三大半导体供应商。)

9. SK: And we're going to talk about one in particular that's named "osunality." (翻译:SK:而我们会讨论其中具体的一个, 它叫做“osunality”, )

10. Oye, this is Hector Estrada. You're alive? (翻译:- 是 我是Hector Estrada)

11. I've actually occasionally found myself using "lein pom" to create a template POM for Java projects. (翻译:有时我会通过“leinpom”命令为Java项目创建POM模板。)

12. So, you stand by and shake your pom-poms while Long and his buddies get rich. (翻译:所以你靠边站玩积木的时候 朗议员和他的伙计中饱私囊)

13. SK: Think of AXP as a server integrated into the router. (翻译:SK:我们可以认为AXP是整合在路由器中的服务器。)

14. SK Gaming eventually sent their replacement by the European team NoA entries. (翻译:最终SKGaming派出了他们的欧洲队员顶替了NoA参赛。)

15. A city of extreme southern Norw ay on the Sk agerr ak southwest of Oslo. (翻译:克里斯蒂安桑挪威最南端一城市,位于斯卡格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西南。)

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