portabilities是什么意思 portabilities的中文翻译、读音、例句

portabilities是什么意思 portabilities的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- Well, I was about to say like an old port. (Well, I was about to say like an old port.)


例句:Now check /cdrom/ports/distfiles for a file with a name that indicates it isthe port you want. (现在检查/cdrom/ports/distfiles目录下是否有表示你想要安装的port的名称的文件。)


例句:Orianna functions by using her ball as a focal point for her abilities, which is also moved by using abilities. (通过使用作为她的能力,这也是通过联络点的能力提出把球奥里安娜功能。)


1. Orianna functions by using her ball as a focal point for her abilities, which is also moved by using abilities. (翻译:通过使用作为她的能力,这也是通过联络点的能力提出把球奥里安娜功能。)

2. For people with exceptional abilities. (翻译:For people with exceptional abilities. 招聘有特殊能力的人)

3. The first port contacts the server on port 21, but instead of then issuing a PORT command and allowing the server to connect back to its data port, the client will issue the PASV command. (翻译:第一个端口连接服务器的21端口,与主动FTP模式中提交PORT命令并允许服务器来回连它的数据端口不同,客户端会提交PASV命令。)

4. - 1,000 yards dead astern. (翻译:-1,000 yards dead astern, going to port. -反方向转 -遵命)

5. High-level language abilities, hand-to-hand proficiency, off the charts, her marksmanship under pressure. (翻译:超强的语言能力 High -level language abilities, 爆表的近身搏斗能力 hand)

6. Port, Starboard, get up the mizzen and raise the royal. (翻译:起航 转右舷 升后桅帆 升顶桅帆 Port, Starboard, get up the mizzen and raise the royal.)

7. Have used their incredible abilities (翻译:再次利用非凡的能力 have used their incredible abilities)

8. 10880, Malibu Port, 90265. (翻译:马里布港10880号 邮编90265 10880, Malibu Port, 90265.)

9. They understood that their abilities could be developed. (翻译:这些孩子明白,他们的能力是可以提升的。)

10. Doctor Clark stat! Doctor Port stat! Doctor Shire stat! (翻译:Clark医生,Port医生,Shire医生,请马上过来)

11. Port1, port2, port3, and port4 offer the same named service at different locations. (翻译:端口1、端口2、端口3和端口4在不同的位置提供同一命名服务。)

12. Largest in the world's first port of Shanghai Yangshan Port, Shanghai will also work with the city-port linkage. (翻译:世界上规模最大的第一个港口的上海洋山港,上海还将与市港联动。)

13. AK: In Port Elizabeth, the village outside Port Elizabeth in South Africa. (翻译:艾德里安 科勒:在伊丽莎白港,港外的小村庄里 )

14. The port is closing by order of King James. (翻译:国王詹姆士下令关闭港口 The port is closing by order of King James.)

15. Is god... testing our abilities with this task? (翻译:干咱们这行的 可是需要神之赐福手脚... ...的高难度工作哦)



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