例句:Most are essentially online magazines: The Huffington Post. (大多数基本上是在线杂志:The Huffington Post. Engadget. )
例句:Static XHTML Mockup app/views/blog/post.html (静态XHTML模仿app/views/blog/post.html )
postical一般作为形容词使用,如在postical lobe(腹瓣)、postical vein((双翅目)臀脉)等常见短语中出现较多。
postical lobe | 腹瓣 |
postical vein | (双翅目)臀脉 |
1. In other words, all our emotions - love, grief, happiness - are all biochem - ical. (翻译:换句话说,我们所有的情感——爱恋、忧伤、快乐——全都是生物化学反应。)
2. In other words, all our emotions - love, grief, happiness - are all biochem- ical. (翻译:换句话说,我们所有的情感——爱恋、忧伤、快乐——全都是生物化学反应。)
3. In fact, after all of your shenanigans... it's gonna be hard for me to ever go to The Hitching Post again. (翻译:其实,在你那些骗剧之后... 我觉得再去The Hitching Post都困难。)
4. It must have been Gary at The Hitching Post. (翻译:肯定是The Hitching Post的Gary.)
5. Do you happen to know a gal named Maya that works at The Hitching Post? (翻译:你有没有碰巧认识一个叫Maya的女孩,她在The Hitching Post酒吧工作?)
6. OBJEC TIVE:To establish finite element model of lumbar disc replacement for biomechan ical studies. (翻译:目的:建立腰椎运动节段人工椎间盘置换的有限元模型,用于进一步的生物力学研究。)
7. And when Douglas Post arrived, the stage was set. (翻译:Douglas Post这一来 两人就能开演好戏了)
8. In foreign languages... 70 soldiers of my very own army are seeing dreams. (翻译:petrik1 ipb@post. sk)
9. Since lots of existing tools, such as Apple's iCal, import and export iCalendar format, reusing the format directly might be pretty useful. (翻译:由于存在大量导入导出 iCalendar 格式的工具,比如 Apple 的 iCal,直接重用这种格式可能更好一些。)
10. Was it an accident or did he do it on purpose? (翻译:Post先生的死到底是一场事故还是自杀呢?)
11. Gloria hugged Douglas Post at the funeral. (翻译:Gloria在葬礼的时候拥抱了Doulas Post)
12. ♪ Bright red van going straight to your post code (翻译:# Bright red van going straight to your post code)
13. Connie Raynor of the Morning Post. (翻译:我是《邮政早报》的康妮・瑞诺 Connie Raynor of the Morning Post.)
14. Remember that before you post on Yelp! (翻译:写评论的时候别忘这一点! Remember that before you post on Yelp!)
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