postmarginal plate通常被翻译为"后缘片"的意思,在日常中也代表"后缘片"的意思,发音是[postmarginalplate],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到28个与postmarginal plate相关的例句。
Postmarginal plate的词典翻译
例句:License plate Three Papa Charlie Tango Four Zero Three. (车牌号3PCT403 License plate Three Papa Charlie Tango Four Zero Three.)
postmarginal plate一般作为名词使用,如在postmarginal vein(缘后脉)、on a plate(轻易地)、plate with(把…镀上…)等常见短语中出现较多。
postmarginal vein | 缘后脉 |
on a plate | 轻易地 |
plate with | 把…镀上… |
die plate | [医] 成型板 |
differential plate | 绕射板 |
diffraction plate | 衍射片 |
diffuser plate | 扩散掺气板 |
diffusing plate | 漫射板 |
dinner plate | n. 西餐用大盘 |
1. - Takes a big man to step up to the plate. (翻译:- 是的 没错 Takes a big man to step up to the plate. Yes, it does.)
2. Just because your mom will see my plate. (翻译:你妈会检查我的盘子 Just because your mom will see my plate.)
3. We both together on a plate (翻译:We both together on a plate)
4. This is plate number 12358B. (翻译:这是12358B号 This is plate number 12358B.)
5. He wound up with the plate. (翻译:他确实得到了印版 Oh, he wound up with the plate.)
6. So I've got a camera pointing down at this plate, and underneath that plate, there is a magnet. (翻译:用一个照相机向下对着这个盘子, 在盘子的下面,有一块磁铁。)
7. Do you want me to make you a plate of food? (翻译:用不用我给你拿点吃的 Do you want me to make you a plate of food?)
8. Plate number, Romeo-India-November three-one-Bravo-seven. (翻译:plate number Romeo - lndia - November)
9. Put down that plate immediately! (翻译:Put down that plate immediately! 立刻放下那个板子。)
10. To maintain a regal gait leave the parsley on your plate (翻译:To maintain a regal gait,leave the parsley on you plate 步伐高贵,举止优雅)
11. Any moron can run a plate? (翻译:Any moron can run a plate? 任何傻瓜都可以查车牌?)
12. - How did Ford know about the plate? (翻译:福德怎么知道印版的事 How did Ford know about the plate?)
13. Many volcanoes on earth arise because an oceanic tectonic plate crashes into a continental plate. (翻译:地球上许多火山 是由于海洋地壳构造板块 撞上大陆板块而出现的。)
14. And get the license-plate number. (翻译:把车牌号记下来 {\3cH202020}And get the license -plate number.)
15. I told him about the plate while we were at Rikers. (翻译:在监狱里我跟他提过印版 I told him about the plate while we were at rikers.)