precise distance measurement通常被翻译为"精密测距"的意思,在日常中也代表"精密测距"的意思,在线发音:[precisedistancemeasurement],precise distance measurement是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到64个与precise distance measurement相关的例句。
Precise distance measurement的中文翻译
例句:A wistful distance, underscored by a gentle breeze... (渴望的距离 伴随着微风 A wistful distance, underscored by a gentle breeze...)
precise distance measurement一般作为名词使用,如在precise measurement(密测量)、distance measurement(距离测量,远距测量)、ultra precise measurement(超精密测量)等常见短语中出现较多。
precise measurement | 密测量 |
distance measurement | 距离测量,远距测量 |
ultra precise measurement | 超精密测量 |
precise | 精确的 |
to be precise | 确切地讲 |
distance difference measurement | 差距测量 |
distance measurement equipment | 测距装置 |
distance sum measurement | 距离和测定 |
electromagnetic distance measurement | 电磁波测距 |
1. Temporal distance, 60 seconds. (翻译:时间距离 六十秒 Temporal distance, 60 seconds.)
2. This man was killed with one precise thrust through the spine, heart, and sternum. (翻译:死者因凶器精确地穿过 This man was killed with one precise thrust)
3. We have all traveled the same distance. (翻译:我们都是远道而来 We have all traveled the same distance.)
4. Distance between family is never good. (翻译:家人之间有距离不是好事 Distance between family is never good.)
5. Odometry Used for speed measurement and distance measurement. (翻译:里程计用于测速和测距。)
6. A dead-End, long-Distance relationship. (翻译:long -distance relationship.)
7. I was aware of the distance. (翻译:我知道你和母亲之间有距离 I was aware of the distance.)
8. I could guarantee a semi-precise T.O. pain-free D. (翻译:我可以保证做出半精加工无痛毒药 I could guarantee a semi -precise t. O.)
9. What greater distance could there be? (翻译:你那能叫距离吗? What greater distance could there be?)
10. Output doses Characteristics of High Energy Electron Beam of Elekta Precise Linear Accelerator (翻译:医科达Precise直线加速器高能电子束的射野输出剂量特性)
11. Ezekiel, with measurement after measurement after measurement of this gigantic building, in which, by the way, the glory of the Lord landed. (翻译:以西结就开始不断丈量这个庞大的建筑 然后,神的荣耀就降临了)
12. Note the results of the numerical value measurement play a multimeter direct, precise, convenient and practicable. (翻译:语音播放万用表测量数值的结果直观、准确、方便,具有一定的实际意义。)
13. Since May 17, 1996, to be precise. (翻译:准确地说,是xx年xx月xx日至今 Since May 17, 1996, to be precise.)
14. Yeah, with a handgun, from distance. (翻译:对 用一支手枪从远处 Yeah, with a handgun, from distance.)
15. We agreed to keep a healthy distance. (翻译:我们之前同意了保持安全的距离 We agreed to keep a healthy distance.)