例句:Jap planes came in dropping 500 lb'ers while we were out in the open. (日军飞机来袭 向在空地上的我们 投下五百磅的炸弹)
1. And then I will make sure you lose pre-selection. (翻译:并且我会确保你失去预选资格 And then I will make sure you lose pre -selection.)
2. Pre can draft on Viren and recharge for one last move. (翻译:Pre能够跟住Viren 然后在最后重回第一)
3. If I mess up, I must accept that and not try to put the blame on oth-ers. (翻译:如果我做得不好,我必须接受,并且不把过失推卸给别人。)
4. A year later Katz bought the Philadelphia 76ers for $12 million. (翻译:xx年后Katz以1200万美元收购了费城76人队。)
5. No, a few 'ers' and 'uhs' is actually understandable and conversational. But make sure not to make it a habit. (翻译:没什么大不了的,几个‘呃’跟‘啊’是可以被理解的,且更显对话感觉。但就是别养成习惯了。)
6. Manag-ers can conduct simulations of various threats, such as fire, explosives, and evacuations. (翻译:管理员可以进行各种威胁的模拟试验,如火灾,爆炸,以及人员疏散。)
7. There was no such puzzlement about the 76ers in 1972. (翻译:xx年的76人却没有这样的困惑。)
8. So I'll be spending the preevning pre-sorting and pre-soaking. (翻译:所以我整个早傍晚 会用来提前分类和提前浸泡)
9. A little pre-Halloween hijinkery. (翻译:万圣节前的装神弄鬼罢了 A little pre -Halloween hijinkery.)
10. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过microUSB接口可见。)
11. It'll probably be down to Viren and myself, with Prefontaine trying to chase us down. (翻译:Viren和我可能不妙 因为Pre会非常顽强的追赶)
12. Between me, Pre and K enny, $ 10,000. (翻译:我 Pre 还有 Kenny $10,000)
13. This is a pre-recorded generic post-catastrophic event message. (翻译:这是一个预先记录好的通用的灾难性事件消息。This is a pre -recorded generic post)
14. - Are we ready for the pre-tape? (翻译:-准备好预录了吗 -是 {\3cH202020} - Are we ready for the pre)
15. Many sleep ers were fixed on a railway. (翻译:一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。)