primula yunnanensis在英语中代表"云南报春"的意思,还有云南报春的意思,在线读音是[primulayunnanensis],primula yunnanensis常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到68个与primula yunnanensis相关的例句。
Primula yunnanensis的中文翻译
例句:Biological characters of the endophytic fungi from Paris polyphylla var. Yunnanensis and their steroidal content (滇重楼内生真菌的生物学性状及其甾体化合物含量)
primula yunnanensis一般作为名词使用,如在Primula yunnanensis(云南报春)、yunnanensis([网络] 双团棘胸蛙;云南竹叶青;云南罗芙木)、primula(报春花 )等常见短语中出现较多。
Primula yunnanensis | 云南报春 |
yunnanensis | [网络] 双团棘胸蛙;云南竹叶青;云南罗芙木 |
primula | 报春花 |
Dichroa yunnanensis | n. 云南常山 |
Dimocarpus yunnanensis | n. 滇龙眼 |
Dioscorea yunnanensis | n. 云南薯蓣 |
Diospyros yunnanensis | n. 云南柿 |
Dipelta yunnanensis | n. 云南双盾木 |
Draba yunnanensis | n. 云南葶苈 |
Dregea yunnanensis | n. 丽子藤 |
1. Geographic distribution and ecologic-biological characteristics of a rare primrose: Primula interja (翻译:珍稀植物景东报春的地理分布和生态生物学特性)
2. In recent years, it has attracted peoples much attention to use the plant volatiles to monitor and control T. yunnanensis. (翻译:近年来,利用植物的挥发性化学物质对其进行监测和防治的方法受到人们的广泛关注。)
3. Isolation of Endophytic Fungi in Paris polyphylla Smith var. Yunnanensis and The Screening of its Antibiotic Activity (翻译:云南重楼植物内生真菌的分离及抗菌活性筛选)
4. A new species of Chinese medicinal plant -- Uncaria yunnanensis. (翻译:Title中国药用植物的一新种--云南钩藤。)
5. The ages of S. yunnanensis can be identified through the characteristics of the annual rings of the scales, otoliths and dorsal fin spines. (翻译:云南倒刺鲃的年龄可以通过鳞片、耳石、背鳍条上的年轮特征来鉴定。)
6. Result: There were differences in the contents of diosgenin in P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis at different collecting time. (翻译:结果:不同采收期滇重楼中薯蓣皂苷元含量发生明显变化。)
7. Primula is believed to be in Kuala Terengganu while Kole in Kemaman. (翻译:报春花被认为是在吉隆坡,而科尔则是在凯玛曼。)
8. Objective: To select high taxol content cell lines of Taxus yunnanensis . (翻译:目的:选择云南红豆杉高紫杉醇含量细胞系。)
9. Adapted Responses of Mesophyll Cell Ultrastructure in Primula sieboldii Leaves Cultured at Different Low Temperatures (翻译:翠南报春叶片细胞超微结构对低温的适应性变化)
10. Taxus yunnanensis with extremely high medicinal value and ornamental value is one of precious timbers for industrial purpose. (翻译:云南红豆杉具有极高的药用价值和优雅古朴的园林观赏价值,是珍贵的工业用材。)
11. The plant of Primula with higher ornamental characters is one of the important garden flowers. (翻译:报春属植物因其较高的观赏性,是我国重要的园林花卉之一。)
12. The invention relates to a Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis endogenetic Pichia pastor is used to produce volatile oil. (翻译:本发明涉及一种产挥发油的滇重楼内生毕赤酵母。)
13. Taxol content in needle and swig of Taxus yunnanensis was the highest within four species from East Asia area, Taxus cuspid… (翻译:短叶醇含量则以短叶红豆杉针叶最高,东北红豆杉及云南红豆杉次之。)
14. Objective To optimize and establish the extraction of total flavones in Primula sikkmensis Hook. (翻译:目的研究钟花报春花总黄酮最佳提取工艺条件。)