priority phase是什么意思 priority phase的中文翻译、读音、例句

priority phase是什么意思 priority phase的中文翻译、读音、例句

priority phase的意思是"优先权相位",在英美地区还有"电"的意思,发音是[priorityphase],priority phase来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到47个与priority phase相关的例句。

Priority phase的中文翻译


例句:Priority Inn frequent travel miles. (Priority Inn 飞行哩数积分计划.)


例句:Now, I need to know every rear exit, every fire escape, in fact, every blasted inch of every building in Bonneville Square! (every blasted inch of every building in Bonneville Square! 把这个放在首位! 听懂了么? this takes full priority!)


priority phase一般作为名词使用,如在priority phase offset(优先时差)、priority(优先 )、phase to phase([电] 相间)等常见短语中出现较多。

priority phase offset优先时差
phase to phase[电] 相间
in phase同相地, 协调地\n[电] 同相
in phase with与…同相
phase ... inna. 逐步采用\n[网络] 逐渐采用;逐步引入;分阶段引入
phase in逐步采用, 分阶段引入
phase into逐步转入,分阶段引进


1. But our first priority, is killing Rumpelstiltskin! (翻译:但是 我们现在的首要任务 就是杀死侏儒怪)

2. Education is a top priority. (翻译:教育是当务之急。)

3. The first phase is from 1992 to 1996, called Unmasking phase. (翻译:第一阶段是xx年~xx年,称为非遮蔽阶段。)

4. The topmost element is that with the highest priority. (翻译:顶端的元素具有最高优先级。)

5. Buses have priority at this junction. (翻译:在这个路口,公共汽车有优先通行权。)

6. Cartridges with a higher priority may also be stored closer to a storage drive than cartridges with a lower priority. (翻译:还可以将具有较高优先级的盒带储存在比具有较低优先级的盒带更靠近存储驱动器的位置。)

7. The typical smectic phase and nematic phase texture can be observed. (翻译:在液晶态可以观察到近晶相和向列相的典型织构。)

8. This is a priority, Agent Simmons. (翻译:这才是我们的首要任务 西蒙斯特工 This is a priority, Agent Simmons.)

9. The alarm thread, being a high-priority RT thread, preempts any other lower-priority thread, and the GC thread also runs at an RT priority. (翻译:alarm线程是一个高优先级rt线程,它会抢占任何其他具有较低优先级的线程,而gc线程仍然以RT优先级运行。)

10. 0-1, priority at Babilonia. (翻译:1号,巴比伦尼亚有警察被围 0 -1, Babilonia is priority.)

11. Shall we proceed to the next phase? (翻译:我们是否要进行下一个阶段了? Shall we proceed to the next phase?)

12. This is priority number one. (翻译:This is priority number one. Assignments.)

13. But phase two of the development is more or less complete. (翻译:第二阶段的发展也差不多完成了 But phase two of the development is more or less complete.)

14. - It is a priority for the vice president. (翻译:这对副总统至关重要。It is a priority for the vice president. 最好是。)

15. They have to be our number-one priority. (翻译:孩子们才是我们的第一要务 They have to be our number -one priority.)

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