prisoners of war是什么意思 prisoners of war的中文翻译、读音、例句

prisoners of war是什么意思 prisoners of war的中文翻译、读音、例句

prisoners of war的中文解释是"俘虏的战争、网络",其中文解释还有"脱狱"的意思,在线读音是[prisonersofwar],prisoners of war在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到92个与prisoners of war相关的例句。

Prisoners of war的释义


例句:Kaulder, where are the prisoners? (where are the prisoners?)

例句:But I will not just kill prisoners! (可是我不会杀人的 But I will not just kill prisoners!)


例句:But it has much time that we had learned that we did not have to relieve us nor to be war prisoners. (们在很久以前就被教育 我们永远不该投降并成为战俘)


例句:Africa,animals,technology,war (翻译:Africa,animals,technology,war)


prisoners of war一般作为名词使用,如在prisoners(n. 囚徒( prisoner的复数形式 ); 俘虏; 被夺去自由的人[动物]等)、discharge of prisoners([法] 释放囚犯)、ghost prisoners([网络] 幽灵囚犯)等常见短语中出现较多。

prisonersn. 囚徒( prisoner的复数形式 ); 俘虏; 被夺去自由的人[动物]等
discharge of prisoners[法] 释放囚犯
ghost prisoners[网络] 幽灵囚犯
liberty of prisoners[法] 狱外居住地
prisoners' barsna. 抢阵地[捉俘虏]游戏
prisoners' basen. 儿童抓俘虏游戏
prisoners' dilemma进退两难的处境
take no prisoners[网络] 不留活口;毫不留情的人;不带战俘上路
takes no prisoners(为达目的)不择手段


1. But it has much time that we had learned that we did not have to relieve us nor to be war prisoners. (翻译:们在很久以前就被教育 我们永远不该投降并成为战俘)

2. Africa,animals,technology,war (翻译:Africa,animals,technology,war)

3. Today I declare prisoners of war will not be enslaved. (翻译:现在我宣布 战俘们将不再成为奴隶,这是不合理的)

4. Good evening, old prisoners. (翻译:晚上好 老犯人 Good evening, old prisoners.)

5. If we don't supply vitamins to the prisoners, it's a war crime." (翻译:“如果我们不给犯人提供维生素 这是战争犯罪”。)

6. Prisoners are still born into prisoner of war camps, long after the guards are gone. (翻译:虽然监狱看守早已不在了, 在这个战争集中营里, 仍然不停地有新的战俘诞生。)

7. The purpose of the talks is to determine if US servicemen are still being held as prisoners of war in Vietnam. (翻译:会谈的目的是决定... 会否释放被囚禁的美军)

8. Prisoners of war with no country to go to - deportees, Germans, soldiers, deserters. (翻译:没有国家可去的战俘... 被放逐者,德国人,士兵,逃兵)

9. The artworks stolen by the Nazis are the last prisoners of World War ll, and Adele is their queen. (翻译:被纳粹偷走的那些艺术品 The artworks stolen by the 可称为二战中最后的俘虏了 Nazis are the last prisoners of World War II, 艾蒂尔则是其中的女王 and Adele is their queen.)

10. We're prisoners of war. We have rights! When are we going to have access to an oil bath? (翻译:战犯也是有人权的 到底什么时候才能让我洗能量浴啊!)

11. Kim said the issue of prisoners of war and citizens believed kidnapped by North Korea remains to be solved. (翻译:金勇哲表示,韩战战俘以及据信被朝鲜绑架的韩国公民问题依旧没有得到解决。)

12. We are all prisoners here. (翻译:我们都是这里的囚犯 We are all prisoners here.)

13. A pimp of the war industry. (翻译:A pimp of the war industry.)

14. All western Indians at that point in time were now prisoners of war. (翻译:从此以后,所有西部印第安人 都成为了战后囚徒。)

15. Among the prisoners, one traitor: (翻译:囚犯中,一个叛徒: Among the prisoners, one traitor:)


prisoners of war作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、prisoner、of、war/1、s等。

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