privileged element是什么意思 privileged element的中文翻译、读音、例句

privileged element是什么意思 privileged element的中文翻译、读音、例句

privileged element的意思是"特权分子",还有法的意思,发音音标为[privilegedelement],privileged element在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到39个与privileged element相关的句子。

Privileged element的词典翻译


例句:They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged and the well off. (他们只对保护特权阶层和富人的权力感兴趣。)


例句:You're privileged.You're pampered. (帮你选的那款古龙水吗 你有天姿 从不满足)


privileged element一般作为名词使用,如在privileged(有特权的 )、privileged will([法] 特别遗嘱)、less privileged([网络] 特权较少)等常见短语中出现较多。

privileged will[法] 特别遗嘱
less privileged[网络] 特权较少
non privileged[网络] 非特权
privileged access[计] 特许存取
privileged account特权帐户
privileged atom优先原子
privileged bit[计] 特权位, 特许位
privileged command[计] 特许输入


1. It's a privileged sight in a diverse and secret continent. (翻译:在一个多样化的和神秘的大陆 这只是惊鸿一瞥)

2. Mr. Hayden, much of this information is privileged. (翻译:Hayden先生 这些信息的 很大部分是保密信息)

3. I can drive my Toyota Element when I'm going to go on that surfing trip. (翻译:也可以换一台丰田Element去海边冲浪。)

4. Everything we say in here is privileged. (翻译:我们在这里的所有谈话都是保密的 Everything we say in here is privileged.)

5. We can all use these abstract structures to help us pivot between situations in which we are more privileged and less privileged. (翻译:我们能利用这些抽象的结构 在情境之间转换 我们有时占优势,有时占劣势。)

6. Is what I say here really privileged? (翻译:我现在说的话真是保密的吗 Is what I say here really privileged?)

7. We are all more privileged than somebody and less privileged than somebody else. (翻译:我们总会比一些人占优势, 也总会比另一些人更吃亏。)

8. The privileged position of "Know yourself" is characteristic of all Platonists. (翻译:所有柏拉图学派的特色就是“了解自己”具有特权地位。)

9. We are privileged to attend such a concert. (翻译:-米歇尔·勋伯格 作曲 能躬逢其盛 实在是很幸运)

10. Please, fright depends on an element of surprise. (翻译:拜托 惊吓惊吓 有惊才有吓 Please, fright depends on an element of surprise.)

11. This Element array is the output parameter set for the invoker and is returned to the Axis server. (翻译:此Element数组是调用方的输出参数集,将返回到Axis服务器。)

12. We are privileged to have with us here tonight the winner of this year's American Fellowship of Arts and Letters Award, Mr. Rory Jansen. (翻译:我们很荣幸今晚在此地宣布 We are privileged to have with us here tonight 罗瑞·詹森先生 Mr.)

13. If good design is only for a privileged few, what good is it? (翻译:如果好的设计仅是少数人的特权, 它又好在哪里呢? )

14. You are now harboring a fugitive element. (翻译:如今你包庇一名逃犯 You are now harboring a fugitive element.)

15. I understand she was more privileged than an employee. (翻译:with the death notices of their employees? 我知道她比雇员有更多的特权 I understand she was more privileged than an employee.)

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