probe for是什么意思 probe for的中文翻译、读音、例句

probe for是什么意思 probe for的中文翻译、读音、例句

probe for在英语中代表"沟通、网络"的意思,还有寻找的意思,单词读音音标为[probefor],probe for在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与probe for相关的句子。

Probe for的释义


例句:NASA scientists have worked tirelessly to ready the probe for launch. (太空总署科学家 努力不懈地为探测器作准备)

例句:if we could send a hard-wired probe through, we can see the other side. (That flare shot straight through. 如果我们能发射一个连着硬线的探测器过去 If we could send a hard -wired probe through,)


例句:If the data in my returning probe ship matches my computerized calculations, (如果我的穿梭机所取回的数据 与理论计算结果相符)


probe for一般作为名词使用,如在probe(探针)、probe into(探究, 探索)、to probe([网络] 调查;探讨;试探)等常见短语中出现较多。

probe into探究, 探索
to probe[网络] 调查;探讨;试探
differential probe差作用探针
diode probe二极管微波探测器
direct probe直接探头, 直接进样探头
direction probe方向测针
directional probe定向探头
drum probe[医] 发音探子


1. If the data in my returning probe ship matches my computerized calculations, (翻译:如果我的穿梭机所取回的数据 与理论计算结果相符)

2. Up-lifted probe plate for probe well contact, and not need PDU. (翻译:上升式针板设计,不需压床,探针接触性佳。)

3. If we agree, I will insert a probe which will cause an abortion, understand? (翻译:按照当初商量的方法, 我会放一根探针进去。由探针诱发体内排异反应, 从而终止妊娠。明白了?)

4. Each day, it sends out a silent probe into the forest, on the quest for food. (翻译:Each day, it sends out a silent probe into the forest 每天派出一架无声探测器到森林里 in quest of food.)

5. The transmissions of an orbiting probe are causing critical damage to this planet. (翻译:一个轨道探测器发出的信号 正在摧毁地球的一切)

6. Objective: To probe a way for treating liver alveolar hydatidosis. (翻译:目的:探索一种治疗肝泡型包虫病的新途径。)

7. The plaque they sent up on the Pioneer probe had a drawing of a naked man and woman on it. (翻译:他们发射到太空的先驱者镀金铝板上有一幅画 The plaque they sent up on the Pioneer probe had a drawing 画上是躶体的男女 of a naked man and woman on it.)

8. And we can now start to probe the structure in interesting ways. (翻译:于是我们可以用有趣的办法来 探索这个结构)

9. Study on nuclease activity with fluorescence quenching probe. (翻译:用荧光淬火双链探针研究核酸酶的活性。)

10. The probe Mariner 2 flew by in December, 1962. (翻译:1962年12月 水手二号探测器飞越金星)

11. Objective:To probe into the influence of the dialyzer membranes biocompatibility on serum cytokines. (翻译:目的:探讨透析膜的生物相容性对血液透析过程中细胞因子产生的影响。)

12. Objective To probe the MRI diagnostic characteristic of Moyamoya disease. (翻译:目的探讨烟雾病的MRI诊断特征。)

13. The interior's too irregular to probe on automatic. (翻译:内部的东西太没规律了... 无法自动证明)

14. Objective: to probe into the controlling effects of vinegar on bacteria of shigella and salmonella. (翻译:目的:探讨食醋对志贺菌属和沙门菌属细菌的抑制作用。)

15. Objective To probe into the value and security of the application of myomectomy in pregnancy. (翻译:目的探讨子宫肌瘤剔除术在妊娠期的应用价值及安全性。)

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