process industries是什么意思 process industries的中文翻译、读音、例句

process industries是什么意思 process industries的中文翻译、读音、例句

process industries在英语中代表"化、加工工业"的意思,作为名词时有"经"的意思,在线读音是[processindustries],process industries常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到34个与process industries相关的例句。

Process industries的翻译


例句:Knight industries research and development. (Knight工业研究和开发部 我是Zoe)


例句:The legislative process-ish. (不顾立法程序 罔顾宪法 The legislative process -ish.)


例句:Their brains process magnetic data in much the same way ours process visual data. (它们的大脑处理磁场数据的方式 Their brains process magnetic data in much the same way 和人类处理视觉的方式很相似 ours process visual data.)


例句:Over 700 Elomatic engineering professionals work within the mechanical, process, energy and shipbuilding industries. (翻译:公司有超过700位专业的工程师从事机械、加工、能源和造船行业的工作。)


process industries一般作为名词使用,如在industries(n. 行业, 工业;实业公司(industry的复数))、downstream industries(后续企业(依赖同行业中其他大公司的产品或服务而生存的下游企业))、domestic industries([网络] 国内产业;本国工业)等常见短语中出现较多。

industriesn. 行业, 工业;实业公司(industry的复数)
downstream industries后续企业(依赖同行业中其他大公司的产品或服务而生存的下游企业)
domestic industries[网络] 国内产业;本国工业
distressed industries危困产业
entertainment industries娱乐业
electronic industries[电] 电子工业
electronics industries电子工业;电子业
energy industries能源工业
export industries出口工业


1. Their brains process magnetic data in much the same way ours process visual data. (翻译:它们的大脑处理磁场数据的方式 Their brains process magnetic data in much the same way 和人类处理视觉的方式很相似 ours process visual data.)

2. Over 700 Elomatic engineering professionals work within the mechanical, process, energy and shipbuilding industries. (翻译:公司有超过700位专业的工程师从事机械、加工、能源和造船行业的工作。)

3. serving a broad range of customers, including manufacturing process industries, shipyards, ports terminals. (翻译:所服务的客户范围广大,包括制造业和流程工业、造船厂、港口和码头。)

4. Tobacco redrying is a re-curing process after the tobacco drying for the first time, which has direct impact on the production of cigarette industries. (翻译:烟叶复烤是烟叶初烤后的再调制加工过程,这直接关系到卷烟工业的生产。)

5. We must respect the process. (翻译:We must respect the process.)

6. That could speed up the process. (翻译:那样就可以加快整个过程了 That could speed up the process.)

7. Salt speeds up the hardening process, (翻译:盐能加速硬化过程 Salt speeds up the hardening process,)

8. Forgive me if I take a moment to process it. (翻译

9. Growing up, I slowly had this process of realizing that all the things around me that people had told me were just the natural way things were, the way things always would be, they weren't natural at all, there were things that could be changed (翻译:I slowly had this process of realizing that people had told me were 亚伦·斯沃茨 xx年)

10. The change of external environment leads to the essential restudy of purchases process organization in textile industries. (翻译:外部环境的变化导致了重新研究纺织工业中采购过程组织的必要性。)

11. So, the process of elimination says... (翻译:the process of elimination says...)

12. The primary resources industries do not always produce more pollutant than renewable resources industries. (翻译:利用原生资源的产业并不必然的比利用再生资源产生的污染更少。)

13. The chemical process industries use leaching but the process is usually called extraction, and organic solvents are often used. (翻译:化学加工业用到沥滤,但这个过程通常被称作淬取,而且常常使用有机溶剂。)

14. Industries are being re-organised. (翻译:环境像19世纪时,社会大量裁员 你要我来创造神话吗?)

15. Many countries and regions are supporting it as strategic industries and pillaring industries. (翻译:不少国家和地区都把这一产业作为战略产业和支柱产业来扶植。)

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