procedures是什么意思 procedures的中文翻译、读音、例句

procedures是什么意思 procedures的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:standard procedures(标准程序),emergency procedures(应急程序),operational procedures(操作程序),medical procedures(医疗操作程序),safety procedures(安全程序),procedures manual(程序手册)




1. 执行这项程序需要几个步骤。

This procedure requires several steps to be carried out.

2. 他们需要遵循标准操作程序来确保安全。

They need to follow standard operating procedures to ensure safety.

3. 这些程序旨在提高工作效率。

These procedures aim to enhance work efficiency.

4. 在紧急情况下,你必须按照应急程序行事。

In case of emergency, you must act according to the emergency procedures.

5. 所有医疗操作程序均需严格遵循。

All medical procedures must be strictly adhered to.

6. 这个程序手册包含有关所有操作程序的详细说明。

This procedures manual contains detailed instructions on all operational procedures.

7. 请确保你已了解公司的安全程序。

Please make sure that you are familiar with the company's safety procedures.

词义:n. 程序,手续,程序指南



1. The procedures for applying for a visa are quite complicated. (申请签证的手续相当复杂。)

2. It is important to follow the correct procedures when handling hazardous materials. (处理危险物品时必须按照正确的程序进行。)

3. The company has strict procedures in place to ensure the safety of its employees. (公司已经建立了严格的程序,以确保员工的安全。)




例句:We have countermeasures, procedures to ensure our stealth. (我们有反制手段以及规程可以确保我们的匿踪)


例句:All the procedures must be done in the correct order. (一切手续必须按正确顺序办理。)


例句:Support for INOUT and OUT parameters of stored procedures. (对于存储过程INOUT和OUT参数的支持。)


例句:The scripts can be used to recreate the table and stored procedures on another database, or to modify existing tables and stored procedures. (翻译:这些脚本可用于在其他数据库上重新创建表和存储过程,或用于修改现有的表和存储过程。)


procedures一般作为名词使用,如在disciplinary procedures([网络] 纪律程序;惩戒程序;规训过程)、distress procedures(遇险程序)、entry procedures([法] 入境手续)等常见短语中出现较多。

disciplinary procedures[网络] 纪律程序;惩戒程序;规训过程
distress procedures遇险程序
entry procedures[法] 入境手续
experimental procedures[试验] 实验的程序
exploration procedures勘探程序
filtering procedures淘汰步骤
follow procedures遵循步骤,按部就班
grievance procedures[网络] 申诉程序;诉怨申诉程序;之诉愿管道
group procedures分类步骤


1. Support for INOUT and OUT parameters of stored procedures. (翻译:对于存储过程INOUT和OUT参数的支持。)

2. The scripts can be used to recreate the table and stored procedures on another database, or to modify existing tables and stored procedures. (翻译:这些脚本可用于在其他数据库上重新创建表和存储过程,或用于修改现有的表和存储过程。)

3. Parliamentary procedures leave us a lot of power. (翻译:议会的程序留给了我们很大的权力 Parliamentary procedures leave us a lot of power.)

4. In order for the government to carry out the necessary procedures against terrorism, (翻译:政府以必要措施打击恐怖行为 临时国会 科络歌剧院 所以国会必须支持授权法案)

5. It is responsible discretionexercised in the national interest to prevent unnecessary disclosure of eminently justifiable procedures in which untimely revelation couldseverely impairpublic confidence. (翻译:这是基于国家利益的负责手段 It is responsible discretionexercised in the national interest 意在阻止正当程序 to prevent unnecessary disclosure 不必要的泄露 of eminently justifiable procedures)

6. Have you instated procedures that improved overall efficiency? (翻译:你是否曾经因自己的就职而提高了整体的效率?)

7. The high laborers flowage cost, the miscellaneous procedures. (翻译:劳动力流动成本高,手续繁杂; )

8. Procedures for handling ultra vires transaction. (翻译:越权交易的处理程序。)

9. Once deployed, CLR procedures behave like any other language stored procedures and may be used as part of your applications. (翻译:一旦部署,CLR过程的行为就与任何其他语言存储过程一样,并可用作应用程序的一部分。)

10. In the case of procedures submitted for consideration as official compendial procedures it is almost never necessary to determine the actual quantitaion limit. (翻译:对于提交用于官方药典规程的备选方法,其几乎从来不需要确定实际的检测限度。)

11. The crew ran through the preflight procedures. (翻译:机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。)

12. "to review the City procedures when investigating police corruption." (翻译:重新监管警方贪污问题 为何我没给放在最前的一段)

13. Evacuation procedures are now in progress. (翻译:疏散程序现在启动 Evacuation procedures are now in progress.)

14. Layout tables and workstations, then being used in serology procedures, served the purpose equally well for DNA procedures. (翻译:布置桌子和工作站,然后用于血清学程序,这对DNA程序来说同样有用。)

15. There are certain procedures which must be adhered to in a courtroom. (翻译:这些是在法庭里 There are certain procedures 必须要遵守的规定 which must be adhered to in a courtroom.)



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