projected cash flow是什么意思 projected cash flow的中文翻译、读音、例句

projected cash flow是什么意思 projected cash flow的中文翻译、读音、例句

projected cash flow的意思是"预计现金流量",还经常被翻译为预计现金流量,发音是[projectedcashflow],projected cash flow常被用作名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到76个与projected cash flow相关的例句。

Projected cash flow的释义


例句:Do you still have the cash? (现金还有吗 Do you still have the cash?)


projected cash flow一般作为名词使用,如在flow of cash([财]现金流转)、projected(a. 投影的, 投射)、discount cash flow(现金收支折现法)等常见短语中出现较多。

flow of cash[财]现金流转
projecteda. 投影的, 投射
discount cash flow现金收支折现法
discounted cash flow[计] 减少现金流通\n[经] 现金流量(转)贴现
Discretionary Cash Flow净现金流量
excess cash flow超额现金流量
expected cash flow[财]预期现金流量
free cash flow[网络] 自由现金流量;净现金流;自由现金流量法
gross cash flow[经] 现金流量总额


1. "It helps keep a healthy cash flow, " the CFO said, adding that the company keeps a strong balance sheet. (翻译:“这有助于维持良性的现金流,”其表示,并补充说该公司拥有强劲的资产负债表。)

2. The company ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation. (翻译:公司的现金流通出现了问题,面临清算。)

3. This will help convince the bank that your firm will generate the cash flow necessary to repay the business loan. (翻译:这样做可以使银行信服,你的公司会赚取一定的现金来偿还商业贷款。)

4. This merger is about a synergy between hardware and software, between cash flow and capital needs. (翻译:合并案是为了整合软硬件 调节现金和资本需求,这种语言你不懂)

5. What information is needed in the Everglade Cash Flow problem? (翻译:大沼泽地金色年代公司的现金流问题中,需要什么样的信息?)

6. How's your cash flow these days, Mr. Huntington? (翻译:你最近的资金流转怎么样 Huntington先生)

7. If you start the year with $1mm in cash and end the year with no cash, your cash flow for the year is negative by $1mm. (翻译:如果你年初是1百万,而年末却没有现金,你当年的现金流就是负的1百万美元。)

8. On Monday, Greentown said it is considering disposing of some of its property projects to boost cash flow. (翻译:绿城周一说,为增强现金流,它正在考虑是否把一部分房地产项目出售。)

9. Hey, do you have any cash? (翻译:do you have any cash?)

10. Gonna freestyle flow like a salty lady cracker. (翻译:来个即兴说唱 Gonna freestyle flow like a salty lady cracker.)

11. Cash deposits made daily in $9,000 increments. (翻译:Cash deposits made daily in $9, 000 increments.)

12. Control the flow of information. (翻译:Control the flow of information.)

13. Then when the blood started to flow... (翻译:当血开始流淌时... Then when the blood started to flow...)

14. Start small, have an italian theme, create some cash flow, and then later on, expand into the pizza thing. (翻译:开始很小 意大利主题 获得一些流动现金 慢慢的 扩张成一家比萨店)

15. Cash flow changeable quantity early-warning result of model superior to cash flow form variable early-waming result of model; (翻译:现金流量多变量预测模型的效果优于现金流量单变量预测模型的效果;)

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