psoriasis annularis是什么意思 psoriasis annularis的中文翻译、读音、例句

psoriasis annularis是什么意思 psoriasis annularis的中文翻译、读音、例句

psoriasis annularis在中文中有"环状牛皮癣"的意思,作为名词时有"医"的意思,单词读音音标为[psoriasisannularis],psoriasis annularis在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到57个与psoriasis annularis相关的例句。

Psoriasis annularis的翻译


例句:Conclusion A combination use of clobetasol propionate and retinA cream is effective and safe in treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. (结论:复方丙酸氯倍他索乳膏治疗寻常型银屑病安全、有效。)


例句:Objective To study the application of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAOC) in dynamic observation of psoriasis. (目的探讨总抗氧化能力检测在动态观察银屑病中的应用价值。)


psoriasis annularis一般作为名词使用,如在psoriasis(牛皮癣 )、digitus annularis([医] 环指, 无名指)、eminelntia annularis([医] 脑桥)等常见短语中出现较多。

digitus annularis[医] 环指, 无名指
eminelntia annularis[医] 脑桥
fomes annularis环状层孔菌
leukotrichia annularis[医] 白环发, 花斑发, 黑白段发
lichen annularis[医] 环状苔癣
lipoatrophia annularis环状脂肪萎缩
livedo annularis[医] 网状青斑, 网状窒息
lupus annularis[医] 环状狼疮


1. The papulosquamous syphilide was commonly misdiagnosed as psoriasis. (翻译:鳞屑性丘疹易误诊为银屑病; )

2. The psoriasis is so called the psoriasis, chronic skin disease that is a kind of to be easy to relapse familiarly. (翻译:银屑病俗称牛皮癣,是一种常见的易于复发的慢性皮肤病。)

3. AIM: To observe the efficacy and safety of tazarotene gel in the treatment of plaque type psoriasis and compare with calcipotriol ointment. (翻译:目的:观察他扎罗汀凝胶治疗斑块型银屑病的疗效与安全性,并与卡泊三醇软膏比较。)

4. AIM: To observe the efficacy and safety of domestic acitretin in the treatment of severe psoriasis. (翻译:目的:观察国产阿维a治疗严重银屑病的疗效及安全性。)

5. To be eligible for the study, the patient had to have plaque psoriasis on at least 10% of their body. (翻译:所有入选者必须有至少占全身10%的寻常型银屑病皮损。)

6. Conclusion: The clobetasol propionate compound ointment is effective and safe for treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. (翻译:结论:复方丙酸氯倍他索软膏外用治疗寻常型银屑病安全、有效。)

7. Clinical Observation of Magnesium Sulphate United with Thiamphenicol on Treating Zumbusch Pattern Psoriasis Pustulosa (翻译:硫酸镁联合甲砜霉素治疗泛发性脓疱型银屑病的临床疗效观察)

8. These vary in size, some being fine, delicate, and branny, as in eczema and ichthyosis, while still others are stratified, as in psoriasis. (翻译:鳞屑大小不一,有的细小如糠状,如湿疹和鱼鳞病的鳞屑;还有的成层状,如银屑病的鳞屑。)

9. As the first topical receptor-selective retinoid, tazarotene has significant effectiveness in treatment of patients with ordinary psoriasis whatever in monotherapy or combined therapy. (翻译:而他扎罗汀作为第一个受体选择性外用维a酸,不论单用或联合治疗,对寻常型银屑病均有显著疗效。)

10. Psoriatic arthritis is due to psoriasis belong to Chinese medicine, Bi impediment areas of identify patterns. (翻译:银屑病关节炎由于银屑病属于中医“疪痹”的辨证范畴。)

11. We describe the case of a patient with an abrupt onset of psoriasis guttata and extensive palmoplantar involvement. (翻译:我们描述的情况下,患者突然出现牛皮癣虫和广泛掌参与。)

12. Treatment of chronic plaque - type psoriasis with modified PUVA therapy (翻译:改良PUVA疗法治疗慢性斑块性银屑病疗效分析)

13. having a soud treating effect on tumors , arthritis , rheumatism , gouty, osteoporosis, bone spur and psoriasis. (翻译:对肿瘤、关节炎、痛风、骨质衰变、骨刺、牛皮癣等有良好疗效。)

14. "TCM immune poison cleansing sanlian therapy" mainly used for treatment of psoriasis, red one an illness type psoriasis, pustular. . . (翻译:“TCM免疫清毒三联疗法”主要用于治疗寻常型牛皮癣、红皮病型牛皮癣、脓疱…)

15. Not just this, green tea is also proven to be highly effective in curing eczema and psoriasis. (翻译:而且,实践证明绿茶对湿疹和牛皮癣都有显著疗效。)

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