例句:For MDA, a "platform" is meaningful only relative to a particular point of view -- in other words, one person's PIM is another person's PSM. (对于MDA来说,“平台”仅仅是相对特定的视图观点有意义的--换句话说,一个人的PIM可以是另一人的PSM。)
psm19035一般作为名词使用,如在pSM19035(质粒pSM19035)、psm process(压制烧结弧熔法)等常见短语中出现较多。
pSM19035 | 质粒pSM19035 |
psm process | 压制烧结弧熔法 |
1. The second is progressive switching median (PSM) detection based VMF. (翻译:第二种是基于渐进式开关中值检测的向量中值滤波器。)
2. Others like AndroMDA 13 involve code generation from models that are hybrid PIM and PSMs. (翻译:其他的,像AndroMDA13包括由PIM和PSM混合体的模型生成的代码。)
3. However, the response in the face representation disappeared and it was confined to foot representation of SI when the PSM was blocked by mechanical pressure. (翻译:当以机械压迫阻滞感传,皮层体觉诱发电位地形图上只在下肢代表区出现一个反应,面部代表区的反应消失。)
4. Having a PIM that can be translated into multiple PSMs is useful for two reasons (翻译:让一个PIM可以转换成多个PSM是非常有用的,这是由于两个原因)
5. PIMs, as you may have guessed, get translated into PSMs. (翻译:正如您可能已经猜到的一样,PIM会转换成PSM。)
6. The second one is rup_psm, the plug-in for PSM, or Practical Software Measurement, which supports a metrics approach for your project. (翻译:第二个是rup_psm,PSM或者PracticalSoftwareMeasurement的插件程序,它为你的项目提供一种度量方法。)