microcontrolled terminal是什么意思 microcontrolled terminal的中文翻译、读音、例

microcontrolled terminal是什么意思 microcontrolled terminal的中文翻译、读音、例

microcontrolled terminal在中文中有"计"的意思,在日常中也代表"微控制终端"的意思,在线发音:[microcontrolledterminal],microcontrolled terminal来源于英语,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到46个与microcontrolled terminal相关的句子。

Microcontrolled terminal的词典翻译


例句:Plans are underway for a new terminal at Dulles airport. (正计划在杜勒斯机场修建新的航站大楼。)


例句:Contact the faa and tell them these two flights are terminal. (联系航空局 告诉他们 这两架飞机已经没救了)


microcontrolled terminal一般作为名词使用,如在microcontrolled([计] 微控制的)、microcontrolled modem(微控制调制解调器)、microcontrolled seeder(微控制播种机)等常见短语中出现较多。

microcontrolled[计] 微控制的
microcontrolled modem微控制调制解调器
microcontrolled seeder微控制播种机
terminal to terminal[网络] 端到端;端子之间;中转中心
the terminal[电影]幸福终点站
digital terminal数字终端
dynamic terminal动态终端机
earth terminal[计] 接地端


1. and a media cannel is established between the first SIP terminal and the second SIP terminal. (翻译:以及所述第一SIP终端和第二SIP终端之间建立媒体通道。)

2. Open up a Linux terminal and start an nmap, dude (翻译:打开一个Linux终端并启动Nmap的,花花公子)

3. If she was planning to infect as many people as possible, the terminal would be ideal. (翻译:如果她想尽可能地感染更多的人 If she was planning to infect as many people as possible, 候船大厅就是个很理想的地点 the terminal would be ideal.)

4. I found this on my terminal. (翻译:我是在我电脑上看到的 I found this on my terminal.)

5. I'm live at the Red Hook Container Terminal... (翻译:- 我现在在Red Hook集装箱集散地的现场...)

6. This is Terminal Four at Heathrow, typical of any terminal -- big, heavy roof, blocking out the sunlight, lots of machinery, big pipes, whirring machinery. (翻译:这是希思罗机场的第四候机室,很典型的候机室。很大、很重的屋顶,完全阻挡了阳光, 很多机器,大型管道,嘈杂的机械声。)

7. As a terminal manager, not as a player. (翻译:不过,我并非作为玩家 而只是作为终端管理人)

8. The Conflict Resolution Terminal wipes out both flaws (翻译:那么分歧终端机的诞生 一举攻破了这一难题)

9. RFD is used in the terminal device only. (翻译:而半功能设备只能在终端设备中使用。)

10. Two of the enable line outputs are coupled to a second terminal of the jetting heater and a second terminal of the substrate heater. (翻译:两启动线输出与喷射加热器和基片加热器的各个第二端耦合。)

11. The Next station is Tianhe coach terminal, the terminal of this train. (翻译:下一站,系本次列车嘅终点站,天河客运站。)

12. TTY processes must be told the capabilities of the terminal to correctly read from, and write to , the terminal. (翻译:TTY程序必须要去判断终端的实际能力,让它正确的去读取核写入信息到终端当中去。)

13. He has terminal lung cancer. (翻译:他患有晚期肺癌。)

14. London terminal is compromised. Repeat, London is compromised. (翻译:London is compromised.)

15. Sometimes these conversations turn on a single word: "terminal." (翻译:有的时候,这些对话就带来了一个词: “晚期。” )

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