rack off是什么意思 rack off的中文翻译、读音、例句

rack off是什么意思 rack off的中文翻译、读音、例句

rack off的中文解释是"叫某人离开、快滚",还有去死的意思,发音是[rackoff],rack off在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到10个与rack off相关的句子。

Rack off的翻译


例句:My wife was bitter, and it rubbed off on Alise. (and it rubbed off on Alise.)


例句:And I got off that rack, and I started ripping them apart. (之后我离开了那个行刑台 {\3cH202020}And I got off that rack. 而我则开始折磨它们 {\3cH202020}And I started ripping them apart.)


例句:- They got belligerent and refused to rack in. (these inmates became belligerent and they refused to rack in.)


例句:That guy right there-- Suit's Hugo Boss, but it's straight off the rack. (翻译:那儿的那个男的 -- 西服是Hugo Boss牌的, 不过是现成的.)


rack off一般作为名词使用,如在off the rack(现成的)、rack(搁物架 )、on the rack(在受折磨,苦恼的,焦虑不安的)等常见短语中出现较多。

off the rack现成的
on the rack在受折磨,苦恼的,焦虑不安的
rack with遭受(痛苦等);受…的折磨
the rack[电影]叛谍
to rack[网络] 在架上制作;三角架
in off[网络] 自落
off and忽然, 意外地
off and on断断续续地
off as[网络] 把某物充作;把某人充作


1. - They got belligerent and refused to rack in. (翻译:these inmates became belligerent and they refused to rack in.)

2. That guy right there-- Suit's Hugo Boss, but it's straight off the rack. (翻译:那儿的那个男的 -- 西服是Hugo Boss牌的, 不过是现成的.)

3. And when he let me in, he got the knife off the rack. (翻译:当他让我进去的时候 从架子上拿起一把刀 And when he let me in, he got the knife off the rack.)

4. Reverse hanging, Spanish boots, and the good old rack! (翻译:绞刑台,西班牙长靴椅 Reverse hanging, Spanish boots, 还有最赞的拷问架! and the good old rack!)

5. I want to get that coat on the rack so I can see the rack that's under the coat. (翻译:我想让她把外套挂上衣架 好让我一睹外套下的骨架)

6. A rack of ribs was a luxury, like Christmas in July. (翻译:吃肋排可是很奢侈的 像是... xx月的圣诞节)

7. Rack & pinion tracks for quick adjustment for extended mandrels. (翻译:齿条齿轮跟踪系统可快速调节凸出的轴。)

8. Do the new pens go in the rack or at the register? (翻译:好了 我把这些圆珠笔放哪儿? 货架还是收银台?)

9. A luggage rack is a sensible option. (翻译:行李架是个明智的选择。)

10. Celia, turn that machine off! (翻译:turn that machine off!)

11. The brand is known for its custom-made suits, but it rolled out off-the-rack sportswear when Chinese men appeared to be uninterested. (翻译:该品牌素以定制套装闻名,但当发现中国男人对此不怎么感兴趣之后,就开始推出运动装成衣。)

12. Now, I wasn't just looking for your average off-the-secondhand-rack vintage T-shirt to wear. (翻译:要知道,我找的不是普通的 二手复古T恤, )

13. Dad flickers on and off: smiling in his chair, running in place, kneeling near the magazine rack. (翻译:我爸在不停地忽隐忽现:一会儿坐在椅子上微笑,一会儿各处乱跑,一会儿又跪在杂志架边上。)

14. And Alastair would make me an offer to take me off the rack if I started the torture. (翻译:阿拉斯泰尔给我开出了离开邢台的条件是 {\3cH202020}And alastair would make me an offer to 让我去折磨那些被禁锢的灵魂 {\3cH202020}Take me off the rack if I started the torturing.)

15. I just started screaming, a-and the alarm went off. (翻译:-and the alarm went off.)

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