rachmaninov seamount是什么意思 rachmaninov seamount的中文翻译、读音、例句

rachmaninov seamount是什么意思 rachmaninov seamount的中文翻译、读音、例句

rachmaninov seamount通常被翻译为"太平洋、地名"的意思,作为名词时有"拉赫玛尼诺夫海山"的意思,单词读音音标为[rachmaninovseamount],rachmaninov seamount在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到85个与rachmaninov seamount相关的例句。

Rachmaninov Seamount的翻译


例句:And we're going to go down into the Axial Seamount using animation. (我们要进到Axial海丘里去 以动画的形式)


例句:One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount. (窃听很酷的事情之一,可能是一个海底火山所谓的轴向海山。)


例句:The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus. (本区可能存在的中酸性熔岩海山是长英质轻碎屑物质的主要源区。)


rachmaninov seamount一般作为名词使用,如在Rachmaninov Seamount([地名] 拉赫玛尼诺夫海山 ( 太平洋 ))、Rachmaninov(拉赫曼尼诺夫(俄裔作曲家))、Sergei Rachmaninov([网络] 拉赫玛尼诺夫;谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫;拉赫曼尼诺夫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rachmaninov Seamount[地名] 拉赫玛尼诺夫海山 ( 太平洋 )
Sergei Rachmaninov[网络] 拉赫玛尼诺夫;谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫;拉赫曼尼诺夫
Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov[网络] 谢尔盖·瓦西里耶维奇·拉赫马尼诺夫
Dickins Seamount[地名] 迪金斯海山 ( 太平洋 )
Downwind Seamount[地名] 顺风号海山 ( 太平洋 )
Eclipse Seamount[地名] 伊克利普斯海山 ( 太平洋 )
Donizetti Seamount[地名] 唐尼采蒂海山 ( 太平洋 )
Dorsey Seamount[地名] 多尔西海山 ( 太平洋 )


1. The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus. (翻译:本区可能存在的中酸性熔岩海山是长英质轻碎屑物质的主要源区。)

2. Pacific Ocean: Kermadec Islands, Philippines, Darwin Seamount in central Pacific, Tasman Sea, Nazca Ridge. (翻译:太平洋:科玛狄克群岛,菲律宾,在中太平洋,塔斯曼海,纳兹卡洋脊的达尔文海洋山脊。)

3. On the left hand side there is a large volcano called Axial Seamount. (翻译:左手边 有一个巨大的火山,名叫Axial海丘 )

4. The team found that parts of the seamount's steep flanks were made of porous volcanic material, leaving them weak and unstable. (翻译:研究小组发现,海山陡峭的侧翼局部由多孔的火山物质构成,这正是其脆弱和不稳定的诱因。)

5. A Steller sea lion patrols rich Pacific feeding grounds near Canada's Bowie Seamount. (翻译:一只斯特尔海狮巡逻在富有的太平洋食物区靠近加拿大的鲍伊海底山。)

6. Finally, the teachers and learners will understand Rachmaninov's preludes, in two aspects of teaching and performance. (翻译:最终让老师和学生从教学和演奏两方面能更多的了解拉赫玛尼诺夫前奏曲,把握他创作前奏曲的风格特点。)

7. And we're going to go down into the Axial Seamount using animation. (翻译:我们要进到Axial海丘里去 以动画的形式 )

8. The Conical Seamount is a non-volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc. (翻译:锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。)

9. Is there any bend in the seamount chain? (翻译:海山链有弯曲的地方吗? )

10. The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite. (翻译:海山顶部的岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。)

11. This is some spectacular footage coming from a seamount about a kilometer deep in international waters in the equatorial Atlantic, far from land. (翻译:这是采自海底山峰的 一些精彩镜头, 这个山峰位于赤道地区的公海, 而且远离大陆, 大概在大西洋底1,000米深处。)

12. And also, some Rachmaninov piano concertos as main dishes, and some Bjork or Madonna desserts, that would be a very exciting restaurant where you can actually eat songs. (翻译:还有,餐厅供应拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴协奏曲 作为主菜,还有Björk乐队或麦当娜甜点, 那这家餐厅一定很赞 你都能在那里吃音乐了。)

13. It wouldn't be the first time the seamount has collapsed. (翻译:这座海山不是第一次崩塌了。)

14. seamount chain Several seamounts in a line with bases separated by a relatively flat sea floor. (翻译:海洋山脊链基部借由相当平坦海底的所分开但排成一列的一些海洋山脊。)

15. On the left hand side there is a large volcano called Axial Seamount. (翻译:左手边 有一个巨大的火山,名叫Axial海丘)

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