racial quotas是什么意思 racial quotas的中文翻译、读音、例句

racial quotas是什么意思 racial quotas的中文翻译、读音、例句

racial quotas在中文中有"种族配额、种族比例观点"的意思,其次还有"网络"的意思,发音音标为[racialquotas],racial quotas来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到24个与racial quotas相关的句子。

Racial quotas的中文翻译


例句:"Personally, I don't like quotas," Reding said recently. (“就我个人而言,我不喜欢配额。”雷丁最近说道。)


例句:Work quotas shall be doubled... and you will get no straw... to make your bricks. (你们今后的工作量加倍 继续做砖 不过不会给你们稻草)


例句:The city is being sundered by racial tension. (该城市因民族关系紧张而正在分裂。)


例句:Nobody likes quotas: they smack of tokenism and unfair competition. (翻译:没人喜欢定量:定量看上去有些做表面文章和不公平竞争的意思。)


racial quotas一般作为名词使用,如在quotas(n. (正式限定的)定量( quota的复数形式 ); 定额; 指标; 摊派)、racial(种族的 )、duty quotas([经] 关税限额)等常见短语中出现较多。

quotasn. (正式限定的)定量( quota的复数形式 ); 定额; 指标; 摊派
duty quotas[经] 关税限额
enrollment quotas升学证书
export quotas出口配额
fix quotas确定配额
hiring quotas雇员分配定额
immigration quotas移民人数限额
import quotas[经] 进口配额


1. The city is being sundered by racial tension. (翻译:该城市因民族关系紧张而正在分裂。)

2. Nobody likes quotas: they smack of tokenism and unfair competition. (翻译:没人喜欢定量:定量看上去有些做表面文章和不公平竞争的意思。)

3. His use of an apparent racial slur caused a furore. (翻译:雇用有色人种充当参谋显然引发了一场轰动。)

4. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas recently voted to lower bluefin fishing quotas. (翻译:大西洋金枪鱼保护国际委员最近宣布了降低金枪鱼捕捞的配额。)

5. Longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions. (翻译:由来已久的贫穷因种族分裂而更加恶化了。)

6. It was coming down, and when Norway set limits, or quotas, on its fishery, what happens? (翻译:那段时间都呈下降趋势, 但是当挪威设定限制和配额后,发生了什么? )

7. Just follow this budget and observe the quotas. (翻译:你只要照我帮你订的预算去开销 不要超过限额)

8. No spiritual past, no racial past. (翻译:没有精神历史 没有种族历史 这里只有政治 No spiritual past, no racial past.)

9. As a legislator, he now supports women's rights... and quotas! (翻译:现在他是立法院最支持女权运动、 妇女保障名额的... ...)

10. You used a racial epithet on the job. Was that a mistake? (翻译:你给同事取人种歧视性的外号 难道我们是搞错了?)

11. With racial literacy, and yes, practice, we can decode the racial trauma from our stories, and our healing will come in the telling. (翻译:有了种族素养,当然,还有实践, 我们就能解读故事中的种族创伤, 在讲述过程中,创伤便得以治愈。)

12. Racial, religious, socio-economic. (翻译:种族上的,宗教上的,社会经济方面的...)

13. They were accused of instigating racial violence. (翻译:他们被控煽动种族暴力。)

14. Moreover, OPEC's members do not yet seem to be complying fully with their diminished quotas. (翻译:而且,欧佩克各成员国似乎也未完全遵守其减产配额。)

15. We respect no quotas, we don't take any precautions at all for the preservation of the species. (翻译:我们不遵守捕捞限额 我们不采取任何防范措施以保护物种)

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