raclopride是什么意思 raclopride的中文翻译、读音、例句

raclopride是什么意思 raclopride的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Dora, wait! I'm not going back to Debrecen, you hear? Let me go! (Dóra, 等一下,我是不会回 Debrecen,你懂吗?)


例句:And with the thickness increased continuously, the clo value decreased. (如果厚度太大,克罗值不仅不增加反而减小。)


例句:You know what, Prudanca? You'ra right. You'ra always right. (你知道吗 普鲁斯 你说得对 你总是说得对)


例句:ClO 2 mixed disinfectant is a new broad spectrum high effect disinfectant. The ability of disinfect is 3 ~ 5times as much as ClO - 's. (翻译:二氧化氯混合消毒剂是新一代广谱高效消毒剂,消毒能力是次氯的3 ~ 5倍。)


1. You know what, Prudanca? You'ra right. You'ra always right. (翻译:你知道吗 普鲁斯 你说得对 你总是说得对)

2. ClO 2 mixed disinfectant is a new broad spectrum high effect disinfectant. The ability of disinfect is 3 ~ 5times as much as ClO - 's. (翻译:二氧化氯混合消毒剂是新一代广谱高效消毒剂,消毒能力是次氯的3 ~ 5倍。)

3. Agent Pride, do you think they were killed because of Darby's work here? (翻译:Pride探员 你认为他们被杀 是由于Darby在这里工作)

4. Mary. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Pride. (翻译:叫我Merri就好 很高兴见到你 Pride夫人)

5. - But I've got pita, the heel cut off the way Dora likes. (翻译:- 已经... ... 比萨,后腿是按 Dóra 喜欢的方式切的)

6. Special Agent Pride, anything you need, that will be my priority. (翻译:特别探员Pride 只要你有需要 我都会优先考虑)

7. Guessing you're not here to settle up your poker tab, Agent Pride. (翻译:我猜你不是来 偿还赌债的 Pride探员)

8. Pride of place, Mr Turner. (翻译:Pride of place, Mr Turner.)

9. Pride, Collier's fiancee just flew in. (翻译:Pride Collier的未婚妻刚刚飞来)

10. Pride of the Boilermakers. (翻译:锅炉工队留念 Pride of the Boilermakers.)

11. It is time to rest and look back with pride (翻译:你该安享晚年, 并自豪地回顾... It is time to rest and look back with pride)

12. -I ordered you a helmet with visor not raseupas while driving. (翻译:我命令你的头盔与面罩 不ra? èupa? ,而驾驶。)

13. The superior germicidal action of ClO2 gas has been recognized since 1950. (翻译:自xx年以来,二氧化氯气体已经被公认具有较强的杀菌功能。)

14. You... Yes, you fill me with pride. (翻译:Yes, you fill me with pride.)

15. I'll call Pride, see if he'll join me to meet Walker. (翻译:我给Pride打电话 看他是否和我一起去见Walker)

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