radial forging process在中文中有"径向锻造法"的意思,在英美地区还有"径向锻造法"的意思,在线读音是[radialforgingprocess],radial forging process在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到48个与radial forging process相关的句子。
Radial forging process的词典翻译
例句:The process for preparing TC4 thick-wall tube by radial forging was studied. (研究了用径向锻造方法制备TC4厚壁管材的生产工艺。)
radial forging process一般作为名词使用,如在radial forging(径向锻造)、radial forging machine(径向锻机)、stamp forging process([网络] 压锻工艺)等常见短语中出现较多。
radial forging | 径向锻造 |
radial forging machine | 径向锻机 |
stamp forging process | [网络] 压锻工艺 |
forging | n. 锻炼, 伪造\n[机] 锻造, 锻件 |
radial | ①半径的②辐射的③桡骨的 |
die forging | [机] 模锻法 |
dies forging | 热模锻;模锻法 |
drop forging | [机] 落锤锻 |
duplex forging | 复合锻造 |
1. The forcer of poling machine produced through the casting-forging process has greatly increased service life, high density, high mechanical performance, and high production efficiency. (翻译:该工艺使穿 管机顶头毛坯既保证了内部组织的致密度,还保持了顶头基体的机械性能,同时提高了顶 头毛坯的生产效率。)
2. The heavy barrel is precisely made by the cold hammer forging process with polygonal rifling for improved accuracy and longer life. (翻译:在重型枪管正是由冷锻造良好的精度和寿命更长的过程多边形膛线锤。)
3. But the shape became nonuniform in the radial direction. (翻译:但是,形状变得不均匀在径向方向。)
4. This article introduces relation, substitution and implement of radial run-out tolerance and axiality tolerance with legend and production process. (翻译:结合图例和生产工艺论述了径向跳动公差与同轴度公差的关系、取代及工艺实施。)
5. forging westward across the plains with the Rockies still to come. (翻译:《联合太平洋公司》则横跨整个 西向平原区... 但仍需克服洛矶山脉的屏障)
6. Communications are still in process. (翻译:通讯系统正在建 Communications are still in process.)
7. The legislative process-ish. (翻译:不顾立法程序 罔顾宪法 The legislative process -ish.)
8. Forgive me if I take a moment to process it. (翻译
9. -Even if it was a joke you practised forging Elliot's signature. It wasn't forging. -What is it then? (翻译:一你练习伪造别人的签名 一不是伪造,只是写宇)
10. Penetrable induction heating are widely used in billet forging. (翻译:感应透热技术已经广泛地应用于锻造钢坯的生产中。)
11. Any chance i can speed up that process? (翻译:我能让这些声音快点消失吗 Any chance I can speed up that process?)
12. The postcure effect gave a great influence on the total curing state of radial tire, particularly radial light truck tire. (翻译:硫化后冷却时的后硫化效应对总硫化程度影响很大,尤以轻载子午线轮胎为甚。)
13. Objective:To provide anatomic data for radial artery cannulation(RAC)and coronary angiography(RAACA)through radial artery approach. (翻译:目的:为桡动脉置管和经桡动脉冠状动脉造影的临床应用提供解剖学依据。)
14. The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion. (翻译:公司的拓展计划正顺利进行。)
15. It has elaborated the advantages replacing die casting and common die forging with semisolid die forging. (翻译:阐述了用半固态模锻代替压力铸造及普通模锻的优点。)