radial sector是什么意思 radial sector的中文翻译、读音、例句

radial sector是什么意思 radial sector的中文翻译、读音、例句

radial sector通常被翻译为"径分级"的意思,还经常被翻译为径分级,在线发音:[radialsector],radial sector是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到40个与radial sector相关的句子。

Radial sector的释义


例句:Contact with the electric fence in sector seven. (Contact with the electric fence in sector seven.)


radial sector一般作为名词使用,如在it sector(iT 扇区)、radial(①半径的②辐射的③桡骨的 )、dip sector([网络] 浸渍部门)等常见短语中出现较多。

it sectoriT 扇区
dip sector[网络] 浸渍部门
eccentric sector偏心扇形齿轮
economic sector[经] 经济部门
disk sector磁盘扇区\n[计] 磁盘扇区
district sector地区的部门
dynamic sector跳跃部门
equisignal sector等信号区


1. The postcure effect gave a great influence on the total curing state of radial tire, particularly radial light truck tire. (翻译:硫化后冷却时的后硫化效应对总硫化程度影响很大,尤以轻载子午线轮胎为甚。)

2. You could make substantially more money in the private sector. (翻译:你可以在私营部门 You could make substantially more money 赚更多的钱。in the private sector.)

3. By adjusting the tooling angles, green tire radial runout can be optimized. (翻译:通过调整刀具角度,绿色轮胎径向跳动可以优化。)

4. But the shape became nonuniform in the radial direction. (翻译:但是,形状变得不均匀在径向方向。)

5. The BIOS then tries to execute this sector. (翻译:然后BIOS试图执行这个扇区。)

6. The one sector of the economy that can't be easily duplicated by even smart technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector. (翻译:经济中有一个部门,即使是智能技术也无法轻易复制,那就是护理部门,个人护理部门。)

7. Public-sector entrepreneurs such as Mr Kundra are excited by the idea of creating "app stores" for the public sector. (翻译:政府部门的领导们,譬如议员昆德拉先生,对于建立公共部门“应用程序商店”的想法很兴奋。)

8. The private sector will welcome you (翻译:私人公司会相当欢迎 the private sector will welcome you)

9. Obtained are the locations of two peaks in the radial direction and the local Nusselt number. (翻译:就引射、局部换热系数径向分布峰值出现的位置及机理进行了分析、讨论。)

10. But when it occurs in animals, this kind of symmetry is known as radial symmetry. (翻译:不过当这种对称出现在动物身上时, 我们称它为“辐射对称”。)

11. Coaxiality tolerance and radial run-out tolerance are different. (翻译:同轴度公差和径向跳动公差是不同的。)

12. HMLS polyester cord is a desired reinforcing material of radial tire. (翻译:高模低缩型聚酯帘线是一种理想的子午线轮胎骨架材料。)

13. While radial tire itself with the characteristics of the tubeless tire possible. (翻译:同时子午线轮胎本身具有的特点使轮胎无内胎成为可能。)

14. Veca codes are Radial Body codes; in addition to clearing and realigning distortions at this level, they control the opening and closing of the Radial Body capsules. (翻译:纬卡代码正是辐射体代码;此外为了清除和重组该层面的畸变,它们控制着辐射体胶囊的开启和关闭。)

15. There is the modern sector, there is the informal sector and the traditional sector. (翻译:现代地区,非官方地区, 以及传统地区。)

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