radiocurable是什么意思 radiocurable的中文翻译、读音、例句

radiocurable是什么意思 radiocurable的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Alisa's the president of Public Radio International. (Alisa是Public Radio全球的总裁)


例句:Most skin cancers are curable if treated early. (如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可治好的。)


1. And now, 14 of the disorders are treatable, two of them actually curable. (翻译:而现在其中有14种都可以治疗 其中2种还可以治愈)

2. COPD is preventable, but not curable. (翻译:慢性阻塞性肺病是可以预防的,但不可治愈。)

3. Poppy, check the radio transcription. (翻译:check the radio transcription.)

4. I said earlier that the decadence of our language is probably curable. (翻译:我前面说过我们的语言的堕落很可能还有救。)

5. Leprosy is curable and treatment provided in the early stages averts disability. (翻译:麻风是可治愈的,早期提供治疗可避免出现残疾。)

6. Radio 2TW, and make it fast. (翻译:Radio 2TW, and make it fast.)

7. And now, 14 of the disorders are treatable, two of them actually curable. (翻译:而现在其中有14种都可以治疗 其中2种还可以治愈 )

8. Can you get them on the radio? (翻译:你能用无线电联系上他们吗? Can you get them on the radio?)

9. Radio signal strength 75%. (翻译:无线电信号强度75% 完毕 Radio signal strength 75%.)

10. Leprosy is curable and treatment provided in the early stages averts disability. (翻译:麻风是可治愈的,早期提供治疗可避免出现残疾。)

11. Alisa's the president of Public Radio International. (翻译:Alisa是Public Radio全球的总裁 )

12. Russian State Tele- and Radio Company (翻译:Russian State Tele - and Radio Company)

13. Radio signals strength decreasing. (翻译:无线信号强度减弱中 Radio signals strength decreasing.)

14. Most skin cancers are completely curable. (翻译:大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。)

15. Conclusion: Quadruplet pregnancy is an extremely race, curable and high risk pregnancy. (翻译:结论:四胎妊娠是一种极其罕见、可以防治的高危妊娠。)

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