radiographic stereometry是什么意思 radiographic stereometry的中文翻译、读音、例

radiographic stereometry是什么意思 radiographic stereometry的中文翻译、读音、例

radiographic stereometry的中文解释是"医、线片测定法",还有立体的意思,单词读音音标为[radiographicstereometry],radiographic stereometry在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到27个与radiographic stereometry相关的例句。

Radiographic stereometry的翻译


例句:Radiographic examination was performed with portable X-ray fault detector appling the special radiographic technique for fillet weld of heat exchange tube-tubeplate. (用普通便携式X射线机,采用特殊的透照技术,对换热管与管板角焊缝进行射线检测。)


例句:The nonunion was judged to be healed when bridging callus formation on both radiographic views was observed on at least 3 of 4 cortices. (骨不连的愈合为观察者均看到桥接骨痂骨在X线片中有至少在3至4个皮质形成。)


例句:Objective To investigate the effect of dehydration on radiographic contrast nephropathy (RCN) in diabetic rats. (目的为了解脱水对糖尿病造影剂肾病发生的影响。)


radiographic stereometry一般作为名词使用,如在stereometry(立体测量 )、radiographic(射线照相术的 )、laser stereometry([测] 激光测体积学)等常见短语中出现较多。

laser stereometry[测] 激光测体积学
radiographic apexX光片上之根尖
radiographic apparatus[化] 射线照相设备; 放射线照相设备
radiographic cassette[特医] X射线摄影暗盒
radiographic contrast[医] X线照相对比
radiographic control放射线摄影控制
radiographic effect放射线照相效应


1. Objective To investigate the effect of dehydration on radiographic contrast nephropathy (RCN) in diabetic rats. (翻译:目的为了解脱水对糖尿病造影剂肾病发生的影响。)

2. Tenosynovitis, synovitis, and bone edema independently correlate with disease activity measures in RA and suggest radiographic progression. (翻译:腱鞘炎、滑膜炎和骨水肿分别与RA疾病活动度相关,且提示影像学进展。)

3. On the basis of experimental data of air concentration and velocity, the discharge of each transverse section is got by means of stereometry. (翻译:依据测量所得的掺气浓度与流速资料,采用分段求和的方法得到的断面统计流量与实际流量的误差很小,表明测量结果是可靠的。)

4. The radiographic signs of ankylosing spondylitis are due to enthesitis, particularly of the annulus fibrous. (翻译:强直性脊柱炎的影像学特征是来源于附着点炎,尤其是在纤维环。)

5. However, a subset of distinct burst fracture patterns tend to go with a suboptimal radiographic and clinical long-term outcome. (翻译:然而,各种骨折的不同分型应该与影像学和远期临床结果密切相关…)

6. This sign may be considered in conjunction with other clinical and radiographic features as an indication for chromosomal studies. (翻译:此标志可被视为与其他临床和影像学特点,以示对染色体的研究。)

7. It was considered that the establishment of radiographic IQI standard for solid rocket motor chamber was necessary. (翻译:认识到建立固体火箭发动机燃烧室X射线探伤像质计标准势在必行。)

8. The radiographic findings of petrous apicitis in the appropriate clinical context are diagnostic. (翻译:在具有典型的临床表现时,岩尖炎的放射学改变可以是有诊断意义的。)

9. Conclusions GIP is a very rare chronic interstitial pneumonia, and has no characteristic clinical manifestations. Radiographic findings are similar to other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. (翻译:结论GIP是非常罕见的慢性间质性肺炎,无特异性的临床表现,影像学表现类似于特发性间质性肺炎。)

10. The radiographic results revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of segmental lordosis , with the numbers available. (翻译:放射线检验结果显示在两组普及率节段性前凸无显着差异。)

11. One radiographic feature of paralytic ileus is that gaseous distention occurs somewhat uniformly in the stomach, small bowel, and colon. (翻译:气体弥漫的充溢在胃、小肠和大肠中是麻痹性肠梗阻x线片中的一个特征。)

12. The static compression factor of the spinal cord seems to be a radiographic predictor of the development of myelopathy. (翻译:脊髓的静止压迫是影像学检查可预测的脊髓病发展的因素之一。)

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