radiodetermination capability是什么意思 radiodetermination capability

radiodetermination capability是什么意思 radiodetermination capability

radiodetermination capability在中文中有"无线电定位能力"的意思,在日常中也代表"网络"的意思,发音音标为[radiodeterminationcapability],radiodetermination capability在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到11个与radiodetermination capability相关的句子。

Radiodetermination capability的词典翻译


例句:Cyber Command extends that capability by saying that they will then take responsibility to attack. (网络战指挥中心扩展了他们的能力... 说是他们要负责执行网络攻击)

例句:So I see emotions as highly evolved subsets of your capability. (所以我看到情感是一个高度演化下的附属功能状态)


radiodetermination capability一般作为名词使用,如在radiodetermination(无线电判位)、radiodetermination service(无线电测定业务)、radiodetermination station(无线电测定电台)等常见短语中出现较多。

radiodetermination service无线电测定业务
radiodetermination station无线电测定电台
radiodetermination satellite service[网络] 卫星无线电测定业务
drying capability[化工] 干燥能力
economic capability经济能力
edit capability[计] 编辑能力
drive capability驱动能力
dynamic capability[网络] 动态能力;动态能耐;动态能力观点


1. At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated. (翻译:至少信息技术的指数增长能力 将不会减弱。)

2. Also, a fact which you may not know is that the compute capability of this thing is not so different from the compute capability of your desktop computer. (翻译:还有一点,我需要指明的就是 手机的计算功能 不比你平时使用的台式机 差多少。)

3. Hongfeng has strong technical development capability. (翻译:鸿锋拥有雄厚的技术开发能力。)

4. Now, I really appreciate that sentiment from them, but the reality, when you look at this slide is, not only do they have the capability, the capability already exists. (翻译:现在,我非常感谢他们的节操, 但现实是,你看到的这张幻灯片, 不仅说明了他们有这样的能力, 这样的能力早已存在了。)

5. In reversible process, there is the entranspy conservation, that is, no loss of capability of heat transport. (翻译:在可逆过程中,火积是守恒的,不发生热量传递能力的耗散。)

6. With such a capability our nuclear capability would be a real deterrent to china and Pakistan. (翻译:有了这样的核能力,我们才能真正的震慑到中国和巴基斯塔。)

7. So I see emotions as highly evolved subsets of your capability. (翻译:所以我看到情感是一个高度演化下的附属功能状态 )

8. Performance Aide and topas recording capability changes. (翻译:Performance Aide和topas记录功能变化。)

9. We've lost that capability. We abandoned it in '72. (翻译:我们已经丧失了能力。我们在xx年放弃了它。)

10. The emphasis was laid on the review of production capability of chitinase by microbes. (翻译:着重论述了提高微生物产几丁质酶能力的方法。)

11. They work through interaction -- they create a capability, and then it uses that capability to bring on the next stage. (翻译:他们是一种互动的运转 -- 他们创造一个能力, 然后用那个能力来推进到下一个层次。)

12. Estimation of Process Capability Indices and Their Confidence Intervals Based on Subsamples (翻译:根据子样本的过程能力指数及其置信区间的估计)

13. The capability enables greater flexibility and dynamicity in an application. (翻译:此功能可以在应用程序中实现更强的灵活性和动态性。)

14. Additionally, it is the only HSI on the market having MLS capability. (翻译:此外,它是市场上唯一具有MLS功能的水平位置指示器。)

15. This effectively gave it a strike capability similar to that of an Apache helicopter gunship. (翻译:这使得它有媲美阿帕奇武装直升机的打击能力。)

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