例句:"Have a Nice Meeting". Goodbye (《Have a Nice Meeting》!)
例句:It was nice meeting you, as well. (It was nice meeting you, as well.)
例句:I read this rad book when I was on tour called Pregnancy and Beyond. (我读了这 当我在旅游弧度书 称为妊娠和超越。)
radnice一般作为名词使用,如在Radnice([地名] 拉德尼采 ( 捷 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Radnice | [地名] 拉德尼采 ( 捷 ) |
1. I read this rad book when I was on tour called Pregnancy and Beyond. (翻译:我读了这 当我在旅游弧度书 称为妊娠和超越。)
2. Um, that sounds nice, but... (翻译:Um, that sounds nice, but...)
3. Kind Cinderella Nice, good, nice, kind, good, nice (翻译:# 我是善良的灰姑娘 听话又善良 善良又听话 # # Kind Cinderella Nice, good, nice, kind, good, nice #)
4. Yeah, something like that would be nice. (翻译:something like that would be nice.)
5. Oh, a nice fire is nice to talk by. (翻译:好火正好火边谈话 Oh, a nice fire is nice to talk by.)
6. The male hunter would draw the RAD army's fire from behind cover while the female flanked from behind and took the baddies down in silence. (翻译:当男猎人来吸引RAD部队的火力,女猎人可以在后面悄悄地杀掉坏人。)
7. The 450 to 700 RAD dose kills you because it wipes out your blood cells. (翻译:450到700RAD的辐射就足够杀死你 因为它摧毁了你的血细胞)
8. - What a nice thing to say! (翻译:What a nice thing to say!)
9. My toilet was clogged for a week. (翻译:Strunk is not a nice man.)
10. Nice to hear her voice again. (翻译:nice to hear her voice again.)
11. Hey, I just remembered, me and Rad have to be somewhere very important! (翻译:嘿,我只记得,我和RAD 必须在某处很重要!)
12. Nice reflexes there, Igor. (翻译:Nice reflexes there, Igor.)
13. Model-driven design and development includes all RAD features, along with modeling and architecture tooling. (翻译:模型驱动的设计与开发包括所有的 RAD 特性,以及建模与架构工具。)
14. In the Upload Plugin section, browse to the rad-builder. hpi file you've just downloaded. (翻译:在UploadPlugin界面中,浏览到您刚刚下载的rad-builder.hpi文件。)
15. And the truth of that... The truth? Where's the truth? (翻译:And okay, fine, yes, it was nice to not have to think for a change,)