radwaste treatment是什么意思 radwaste treatment的中文翻译、读音、例句

radwaste treatment是什么意思 radwaste treatment的中文翻译、读音、例句

radwaste treatment的意思是"射性废物处理",还有射性废物处理的意思,读音为[radwastetreatment],radwaste treatment常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到59个与radwaste treatment相关的例句。

Radwaste treatment的中文翻译


例句:Suce treatment : suce treatment is any treatment which changes the chemical physical , or mechanical properties of a suce . (外貌处理:正在任何处理中变动外貌的化学物理或机械能。)


radwaste treatment一般作为名词使用,如在radwaste(n. 放射性废物)、dirty radwaste(脏放射废料)、gaseous radwaste([化] 气态放射性废物)等常见短语中出现较多。

radwasten. 放射性废物
dirty radwaste脏放射废料
gaseous radwaste[化] 气态放射性废物
incineration of radwaste[化] 放射性废物煅烧
liquid radwaste液体放射废料
radwaste area放射废料(存放)区
radwaste boiler放射废料锅炉
radwaste building射性废物厂房
radwaste centrifuge放射废料离心机


1. He must accept Queen Anne. (翻译:-treatment on me in the past. 他必须承认安妮为王后 He must accept Queen Anne.)

2. Ehud is going into his third treatment, and then his fourth treatment. (翻译:然后埃胡德接受了第三次治疗,第四次治疗, )

3. The water treatment equipment was improved, and the concentration of water treatment chemical was stabled . (翻译:对水处理设备进行改进,稳定水处理药剂浓度;)

4. The water treatment centers are located on the outskirts of the city. (翻译:水处理中心 The water treatment centers 位于城市边缘 are located on the outskirts of the city.)

5. I became a member of Treatment Action Campaign and I'm very proud to be a member of that incredible organization. (翻译:我由焉成为Treatment Action运动的一位会员, 我为成为这不凡组织的 一份子而感到自豪。)

6. We need resources deployed to reservoirs and water treatment centers. (翻译:我们需要部署人员去水库 We need resources deployed to reservoirs 以及水处理中心 and water treatment centers.)

7. Hot treatment: vacuum, carburizing, nitriding, vacuum heat treatment and cryogenic treatment etc. (翻译:热处理:真空,渗碳,渗氮,真空热处理,超低温处理等。)

8. I am prescribing a new treatment for you. (翻译:我为你制定了一项新的疗法 I am prescribing a new treatment for you.)

9. Why did I let you go for treatment? (翻译:我为什么让你回岘港医治呢? ... 回去 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Why did I let you go for treatment?)

10. I mean, your dad made it all the way through treatment. (翻译:我是说 你爸爸完成了所有的质量 I mean, your dad made it all the way through treatment.)

11. And yes, my SING Campaign has supported Treatment Action Campaign in the way that I have tried to raise awareness and to try to also raise funds. (翻译:同时,我的SING运动 也支持Treatment Action运动, 我们则是通过宣传艾滋病常识 及募款来支援他们。)

12. Wait, is she starting treatment again? (翻译:等等 你是说她又开始化疗了? Wait, is she starting treatment again?)

13. - Your treatment team thinks... (翻译:- Your treatment team thinks --)

14. No one gets any special treatment from you of any kind. (翻译:没有人可以从你这儿得到特殊照顾 {\3cH202020}No one gets any special treatment from you of any kind.)

15. The treatment affects everyone differently. (翻译:这个疗效对每个人都不一样 这让天使变得非人般强壮 The treatment affects everyone differently.)

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