例句:Riggins and 14K are all dead. (Riggins and 14K are all dead.)
例句:Lala Lajpat Rai's death has to be avenged. (必须要为Lala Lajpat Rai的死报仇)
例句:They use these limestone discs called Rai stones. (他们使用的货币是由石灰岩凿刻出来的圆盘 )
例句:Maya Ubud Resort is 50 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport. (翻译:乌布玛雅度假村距离巴厘岛国际机场50公里。)
1. They use these limestone discs called Rai stones. (翻译:他们使用的货币是由石灰岩凿刻出来的圆盘 )
2. Maya Ubud Resort is 50 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport. (翻译:乌布玛雅度假村距离巴厘岛国际机场50公里。)
3. Maya Ubud Resort is 50 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport. (翻译:乌布玛雅度假村距离巴厘岛国际机场 50 公里。)
4. Of course, we all want to know if you're going to be starring opposite Aishwarya Rai in Bollywood? (翻译:当然,我们都在猜测,你是否会去宝莱坞主演反面人物AishwaryaRai呢?)
5. Have you been to Hong Kong before? (翻译:HaveyoubeentoH. K. before?)
6. Besides, if he's seeing Rai, Bruno tells me. (翻译:而且 如果他跟荷伊见面的话 布鲁诺会告诉我)
7. Her wishful face haunt my dream like the rai at ight. (翻译:她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。)
8. -Jibesh, Vandana... this is Mrs. Rai, Aditi's mother-in-law to be. (翻译:这是志贝殊、云丹娜,这是黎太 雅迪蒂的未来家姑)
9. Can I ask you something, Mr. K? (翻译:我可以问你一些事吗,K先生? Can I ask you something, Mr. K?)
10. Up to now, RAI has been seen as answerable only to a parliamentary committee. (翻译:目前为止,意大利广播电视公司一直被视为仅向一个议会委员会负责。)
11. Yes, we have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:有,我们有14k和18 K的金项链、手链和金耳环。)
12. These are not your traditional Klan robes you would see at any KKK rally. (翻译:这不是你能在三K党集会中 看到的传统的三K党长袍。)
13. Natto is a rich source of a specific form of vitamin K called K2. (翻译:纳豆是一种具体的维生素k,被称为K2的丰富来源。)
14. The stabilizer of the number K, written Stk, is the set of all permutations of G that leave K fixed. (翻译:G中保持K不变的置换所成之集称为数K的稳定子,记作Stk。)
15. Rai said he is in the early stages of organizing a Middle East religious leaders summit. (翻译:拉伊透露,他正在筹划组织一场中东宗教领袖的峰会。)