rail breaker在英语中代表"钢轨落锤试验机"的意思,作为名词时有"钢轨落锤试验机"的意思,在线发音:[railbreaker],rail breaker来源于英语,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到93个与rail breaker相关的句子。
Rail breaker的词典翻译
例句:A Study on Distribution Forecasting of Airport Rail to Landside Traffic (机场轨道交通对陆侧交通分流情况的预测研究)
rail breaker一般作为名词使用,如在Rail to Rail(轨到轨;轨对轨)、on rail(铁路交货)、rail at(责骂,挑剔,抱怨)等常见短语中出现较多。
Rail to Rail | 轨到轨;轨对轨 |
on rail | 铁路交货 |
rail at | 责骂,挑剔,抱怨 |
rail in | 用栏杆围住 |
The Rail | [网络] 铁路;车轨;地平线 |
eccentric breaker | 偏心轧碎机 |
discriminating breaker | 逆流自动断路开关 |
distributor breaker | 电断路器 |
drawout breaker | 抽出式断路器 |
1. Germany Hafele three mute rail or DTC rail. (翻译:采用德国海福乐三节静音导轨或DTC导轨。)
2. Quiet, rich blondes. No snoring. That is a deal-breaker. (翻译:文静 富有 金发 不打呼噜 最后一项很重要)
3. If the minister accepts a long, bitter rail strike... (翻译:如果大臣接受长期而坚决的铁路大罢工... If the minister accepts a long, bitter rail strike...)
4. Property adjacent to the rail line. (翻译:铁路沿线的产业 Property adjacent to the rail line. 你认识他多久了?)
5. Long rails in jointless track are usually made on welded rail site or in railway welded rail factory. (翻译:无缝线路长钢轨通常由铁路焊轨厂或现场焊轨基地焊接。)
6. The pearlitic rail steel was widely used as rail track in China for its prominent performance in anti-wearing and high yield strength. (翻译:珠光体轨道钢是目前我国铁路轨道采用的主要钢种,其性能特点是抗磨损性能好,屈服强度高。)
7. Painful... but not a deal-breaker. (翻译:很疼 {\3cH202020}Painful... 但不是什么大问题 {\3cH202020}But not a deal breaker.)
8. British Rail and Underground. (翻译:铁路和地铁都有 怎么? British Rail and Underground.)
9. Their's gonna be a circuit breaker, in there somewhere. (翻译:他们的会是一个电路 断路器,在那里的某个地方。)
10. The movie became a box-office record breaker. (翻译:该电影打破了票房纪录。)
11. Send the Maserati over the guard rail. (翻译:让玛莎拉蒂去撞栏杆 Send the Maserati over the guard rail.)
12. Kowloon Southern Link is an extension of West Rail from its Nam Cheong Station to connect with East Rail at East Tsim Sha Tsui . (翻译:九南线是西铁的延伸部分,连接西铁南昌站与东铁尖东站。)
13. The blade reclining rail shall be produced from a standard rail profile and the osculating part of the blade shall be processed suitably. (翻译:尖轨倾斜轨应按照标准的钢轨断面生产,且与尖轨接触部分要做适当处理。)
14. With sulfur hexafluoride gas to double as insulation interrupter and circuit breaker. (翻译:以六氟化硫气体进行灭弧并兼作绝缘用的断路器。)
15. Electrocuted while working on subway rail. (翻译:今晚凌晨4点左右 1号铁线施工 修点施工中 有人电死 一位施工人员被电死 因此首尔地铁管理负责人...)