'redimere' 是一个拉丁词汇,意为“赎回、换回、解救”。以下是对于这个单词的5个方面的说明:
1. 词性:'redimere' 是动词,原型为'redeem';它的过去式为'redeemed'。
2. 词源:'redimere' 来源于拉丁语're-'(意为“回来”)和'dimere'(意为“拿走”),组合而成的一个单词。
3. 同义词:'redimere' 的同义词包括'retrieve'、'recover'、'redeem'。
4. 反义词:'redimere' 的反义词包括'forfeit'、'lose'、'surrender'。
5. 使用场景:'redimere' 这个词经常用于宗教、文学、法律领域。在日常英语中,也可以用于描述“赎回商品”、“解救人质”等情况。
1. He redeemed his pride by apologizing to his colleague. (他通过向同事道歉来挽回自己的尊严。)
2. The charity is raising money to redeem children from poverty. (该慈善机构正在筹集资金,以解救贫困儿童。)
3. The investors were able to redeem their shares at a profit. (投资者能够以盈利的价格赎回他们的股份。)
4. The brave firefighter managed to redeem the cat from the burning building. (勇敢的消防员成功将这只猫从燃烧的建筑中解救出来。)
5. The defendant attempted to redeem himself by pleading guilty and showing remorse. (被告试图通过认罪和表现出悔意来挽回自己的声誉。)
读音:[rè diǎn měi]
1. 那个好心人用自己的积蓄去赎回了那个被绑架的孩子。
The kind-hearted person used their savings to redeem the kidnapped child.
2. 这种氛围可能会引起沉迷,们可以为未来挽回局面。
This atmosphere might lead to addiction, but we can redeem the situation for the future.
例句:$1 000 is a mere trifle to her. (1 000元对她来说不过是区区小数。)
例句:I got the chef at Chez la Mere Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc. (我有la mere michel饭店大厨给的 制作黄油白沙司的食谱)
1. The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle. (翻译:这条小河变成细流了。)
2. No mere ferule will answer for this offence. (翻译:这种冒失不能仅仅用戒尺来处理。)
3. If it is a mere meat substitute, then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle. (翻译:如果这仅属于肉的替代品 If it is a mere meat substitute, 那它肯定会被素食主义者抛弃 then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle.)
4. As I say, it's a mere matter of crossing the street. (翻译:带上你的杯子 就像我说的,就是穿过条马路的事)
5. Today that word implies mere imitation. (翻译:今天,这个词仅仅意味着模仿。)
6. If I go and die, it's mere self-indulgence. (翻译:我去救她而丧命 我的死也只是自我满足而已)
7. The Stuarts believe their bloodline is unchallengeable by mere mortals like us. (翻译:斯图亚特家族认为他们的血脉 The Stuarts believe their bloodline 不容我们这些卑微的人挑战 is unchallengeable by mere mortals like us.)
8. Affections of manner and speech are mere frippery. (翻译:态度和语言的做作只是矫饰而已。)
9. She was no longer a mere Magus. (翻译:她已不再是一个单纯的空气。)
10. COMPARED with IBM, Microsoft is a mere stripling. (翻译:与IBM相比,微软纯属一后生。)
11. He seemed so young, a mere boy. (翻译:他看来那么年轻,只是个孩子。)
12. It cost a mere bagatelle. (翻译:这个只花了一点钱。)
13. they own the mere music, not you. (翻译:你不能把任何音乐在DVD 没有他们, 他们所拥有的仅仅是音乐,而不是你。)
14. That would be slowing up the war for mere sentimental reasons. (翻译:仅仅因为脆弱的感情就作出决定 将延缓战争的进程)
15. You think a mere floating platform... will scare me? (翻译:你不会以为带我来这个破浮台 我就会害怕吧)