reentry positioning在英语中代表"再入定位"的意思,其次还有"再入定位"的意思,发音是[reentrypositioning],reentry positioning是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到87个与reentry positioning相关的句子。
Reentry positioning的词典翻译
例句:The gear milling positioning fixture is particularly suitable to be matched with the fixture of the mandrel positioning structure. (本发明特别适合芯轴定位结构的夹具配套使用。)
reentry positioning一般作为名词使用,如在reentry(再次进入 )、positioning(n. 定位;配置, 布置)、formal reentry([法] 正式收回租地)等常见短语中出现较多。
reentry | 再次进入 |
positioning | n. 定位;配置, 布置 |
formal reentry | [法] 正式收回租地 |
hyperbolic reentry | [航] 双曲线再入 |
hypersonic reentry | [航] 高超音速再入 |
lift reentry | 升力式再入 |
lifting reentry | 利用升力再入;升力再入 |
manned reentry | [航] 载人再入 |
parabolic reentry | 以抛物线速度再入 |
1. It is unworthy of global positioning. (翻译:这个全球定位名不副实 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}It is unworthy of global positioning.)
2. The OLM USES a linear bar code tape for positioning. (翻译:OLM使用线性条形码磁带来定位。)
3. The automatic positioning mechanism is mainly used for automatically positioning the device on the steel rail in a gapless way. (翻译:此种机构主要用于钢轨上对设备的自动无隙定位。)
4. Police Global Positioning System. (翻译:フ衂メ ハヘマ矩 ヌ矼貮゙レ 矣ヤムリノ)
5. Looks like the only thing that we lost, actually... was the hibernation and reentry capsule. (翻译:貌似唯一 我们输了,其实. 是冬眠 和返回舱。)
6. A new reentry guidance algorithm for RLV(reusable launching vehicle) is presented. (翻译:提出了一种针对可重复使用运载器的再入制导算法。)
7. For individuals violating regulations of this Act during their stay, their applications for reentry thereafter shall not be accepted. (翻译:停留期间如有违反本条例规定者,不受理其后再入境之申请。)
8. Embroidery machine keyboard keys used for positioning of the pantograph or frame. (翻译:绣花机键盘按键,用来定位绣框或者缩放仪。)
9. Moreover, positioning air cylinder is an optional part, easier and more accurate fof positioning. (翻译:另外可选配定位气缸,工件定位方便、准确。)
10. The station would burn up on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. (翻译:该操作台会在重新进入地球大气层时烧掉。)
11. the pin rod of the positioning seat can be used for positioning the wheel frame for keeping the wheel frame supporting stably. (翻译:定位座的销杆可定位轮架使其保持稳固支撑。)
12. Finally, the tracking of the guided angle command for a nominal trajectory of a reentry vehicle is simulated as an example. (翻译:本文最后以一再入飞行器为例,对标称轨道制导指令角的跟踪进行了仿真。)
13. Now, why are companies embracing the reentry internship? (翻译:那么,为什么这些企业 大力支持再从业实习呢? )
14. See, we talk about reentry in the context of war and incarceration. (翻译:当我们讲到战争和关押, 我们总谈到重新 融入这个社会。)
15. Flex is again positioning boxes in that tricky way (翻译:但是 对手已经放了2处台墩 比赛进入关键时刻)