reentrant gas cooling是什么意思 reentrant gas cooling的中文翻译、读音、例句

reentrant gas cooling是什么意思 reentrant gas cooling的中文翻译、读音、例句

reentrant gas cooling在中文中有"再入式气体冷却"的意思,在英美地区还有"再入式气体冷却"的意思,发音是[reentrantgascooling],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到76个与reentrant gas cooling相关的例句。

Reentrant gas cooling的释义


例句:Load the stuff away and get the petrol gas ready! (Load the stuff away and get the petrol gas ready!)


reentrant gas cooling一般作为名词使用,如在gas cooling(煤气冷却;气冷)、reentrant(再次进入的 )、not reentrant([计] 不可重入的)等常见短语中出现较多。

gas cooling煤气冷却;气冷
not reentrant[计] 不可重入的
gas cooling coil气(体)冷蛇形管
quasi reentrant准可重入
reentrant angle凹角
reentrant angles[数] 凹角,重入角
reentrant attribute可重入属性
reentrant beam重入注


1. Perhaps the gas is working. (翻译:可能瓦斯开始起作用了 Perhaps the gas is working.)

2. cooling water cools a mould through the cooling pipe in a penetrating way, so that the polypropylene raw material is cohered and formed; (翻译:冷却水通过冷却管对模具内进行穿透冷却,使聚丙烯原料黏结成型;)

3. Non-reentrant functions and static variables. (翻译:不可重入函数和静态变量。)

4. I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank. (翻译:I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank.)

5. Note that this follows a standard convention for the naming of reentrant function by suffixing the function name with "_r" . (翻译:注意,这里遵循了标准惯例,通过向函数名添加“_r”后缀来命名可重入函数。)

6. What was Genoa? An extraction. (翻译:什么样的毒气 What kind of gas?)

7. He seems to have some gas in reserve. (翻译:他似乎保存了体力 He seems to have some gas in reserve.)

8. Effect of paroxysmal atrio-ventricular reentrant tachycardia on human atrial effective refractory period (翻译:阵发性房室折返性心动过速对人心房有效不应期的影响)

9. The energy released by stars can heat the gas, obviating the cooling catastrophe. (翻译:从星球释出的能量可以加热气体,也就消除掉“冷却灾难”。)

10. Take your foot off the gas! (翻译:松开油门! Take your foot off the gas!)

11. By slow cooling plutons? - And what is a pluton? (翻译:慢慢冷却火成岩-什么是火成岩? )

12. The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant; functions and initialized it (翻译:下面的EQU语句定义重入函数的堆栈指针并初始化它)

13. Must not call non-reentrant functions? (翻译:绝对不调用不可重入的函数。)

14. See, gas is heavier than air, (翻译:天然气比空气要重 See, gas is heavier than air,)

15. Precision Cooling via ‘Air Wands’ (翻译:通过“空气杆”进行精确制冷 )

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