reestate是什么意思 reestate的中文翻译、读音、例句

reestate是什么意思 reestate的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease (Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease)

例句:Your heart needs the real estate? (因为你的心脏需要位置? Your heart needs the real estate?)


1. You're not here to claim on the estate, or... (翻译:你是不是在这里权利要求 在房地产上,或...)

2. This is a stack of prime real estate in Manhattan. (翻译:This is a stack of prime real estate in Manhattan. 这是一叠总理在曼哈顿房地产)

3. - Especially for someone in real estate. (翻译:特别是对做房地产的人 - 暂时的 Especially for someone in real estate.)

4. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

5. The property rates are very high... (翻译:房产税很高的 The property rates re very high.)

6. Making him re-win the heart of the virgin? (翻译:Making him re -win the heart of the virgin?)

7. You have a very small estate here. (翻译:你们的庄园真是小 You have a very small estate here.)

8. How long until we get to his estate? (翻译:还要多久才会抵达他的庄园 How long until we get to his estate?)

9. We're searching for recent nonresidential real estate transactions made by Yureyovich. (翻译:我们正在寻找最近的 非住宅房地产交易 由Yureyovich进行。)

10. I brought a 2005 Chateau de la Vere. (翻译:我带了xx年的Chateau de la Vère)

11. Brother, I have been re-hymenated. (翻译:I have been re -hymenated.)

12. Portia Frampton drove to the Bonham Estate just before she died. (翻译:Portia Frampton死前曾驾车前往Bonham Estate)

13. Is there particular urgency to find them? (翻译:找它们有急用吗 Y a une urgence particulière à les retrouver?)

14. Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do. (翻译:Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.)

15. He heard from the estate agent. (翻译:He heard from the estate agent.)

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