repeated grafting是什么意思 repeated grafting的中文翻译、读音、例句

repeated grafting是什么意思 repeated grafting的中文翻译、读音、例句

repeated grafting在中文中有"重复嫁接"的意思,在日常中也代表"重复嫁接"的意思,在线读音是[repeatedgrafting],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到83个与repeated grafting相关的句子。

Repeated grafting的中文翻译


例句:He was killed for the repeated blasphemy of claiming to be the Messiah. (他被处决是因为反复亵渎神明 He was killed for the repeated blasphemy 声称自己是弥赛亚 of claiming to be the Messiah.)


repeated grafting一般作为名词使用,如在grafting(n. 嫁接法, 移植法\n[医] 移植[术], 嫁接)、repeated(a. 重复的, 再三的\n[法] 反复的, 再三的, 屡次的)、dormant grafting(休眠枝接)等常见短语中出现较多。

graftingn. 嫁接法, 移植法\n[医] 移植[术], 嫁接
repeateda. 重复的, 再三的\n[法] 反复的, 再三的, 屡次的
dormant grafting休眠枝接
distant grafting远缘嫁接
epidermic grafting表皮移植
epithelial grafting[医] 上皮移植术
embryo grafting胚种嫁接
efficiency of grafting接枝效率
end to grafting对头接


1. Grafting of "Half-sandwich" Cyclopentadiene Iron Species into HY Supercage (翻译:HY沸石超笼“半三明治”环戊二烯铁物种的接枝)

2. Because in 2012, they repeated the same experiment. (翻译:因为在xx年 他们再次进行了同样的实验 )

3. They repeated themselves, broke down constantly. (翻译:他们一直自我重复 经常坏掉 They repeated themselves, broke down constantly.)

4. This tree is cultivated in Yunnan, and is often used as stock for grafting pear cultivars. (翻译:这乔木在云南栽培的,并且通常被作为股票为嫁接梨栽培品种使用。)

5. I repeated it to emphasize its importance (翻译:就是因为有成就我才重复 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}I repeated it to emphasize its importance)

6. Objective To observe the clinic effect of tumescent technique for skin grafting. (翻译:目的:探寻应用于皮肤移植术的简单、有效的麻醉方法。)

7. Conclusions Microskin grafting has made progress in recent years. (翻译:结论新型自动切皮机使微皮移植术取得一些进展。)

8. grafting must be done carefully, with the phloem of the scion aimed exactly at that of the stock. (翻译:嫁接必须细心,使接穗的韧皮部对准砧木的韧皮部。)

9. First on a friday then they repeated it on tuesday. (翻译:第一次在星期五, 然后在星期二又做一次.)

10. Pressure will be brought to bear to make sure that this gutter press reporting Is not repeated. (翻译:政府必须施压 从而确保 Pressure will be brought to bear to make sure 这种垃圾报道不再出现 that this gutter press reporting Is not repeated.)

11. Deta repeated her wish again. (翻译:迪蒂再次重复了她的请求。)

12. The odontoid was then resected and loading repeated. (翻译:随后切除齿状突并重复施加负荷。)

13. And then this is repeated across the entire spectrum of companies. (翻译:这个情况 在所有公司的生命周期中不断重复)

14. The first was repeated a total of four and a half times. (翻译:第一段他总过重复了四次半 The first was repeated a total of four and a half times.)

15. The repeated attem-attempts to have this case dismissed by the... (翻译:被告数次尝试 The repeated attem -attempts 让此案件被驳回...)

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