repress oil通常被翻译为"制砖用油"的意思,在英美地区还有"陶瓷用油"的意思,单词读音音标为[repressoil],repress oil是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到20个与repress oil相关的例句。
Repress oil的释义
例句:- We are killing for guzzoline. (- Oil wars. - We are killing for guzzoline.)
例句:Oil reserves beneath the earth are material remainders... of an unimaginable catastrophe. (什么是石油? Oil reserves beneath the earth are material remainders... 石油是余留在地下)
repress oil一般作为名词使用,如在hot repress(再热压)、repress brick(再压砖)、oil(油 )等常见短语中出现较多。
hot repress | 再热压 |
repress brick | 再压砖 |
oil | 油 |
in oil | 油渍 |
oil it | [网络] 放油;放些油 |
the oil | [网络] 情势 |
dielectric oil | [化] 介电油; 绝缘油 |
diesel oil | n. 柴油\n[化] 柴油 |
diester oil | 双脂类合成润滑油 |
1. Will have a huge amount of oil in a couple of years from now. (翻译:两xx年后 将会富有大量石油 Will have a huge amount of oil in a couple of years from now.)
2. ♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪ (翻译:♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪)
3. Usually repress it until they're, like, much older and in therapy. (翻译:通常压制它,直到他们, 如,很多老年人和治疗。)
4. Instead of helping to repress that desire, why don't we help unshackle it? (翻译:如果我们拒绝帮助抑制这样的渴望,为什么我们不帮助那些在押的政治犯呢?)
5. Romance and work are... oil and water. (翻译:恋爱和工作 Romance and work are... 水油不溶 oil and water.)
6. Or the government of an oil-based economy. (翻译:或是依赖于石油的政府 {\3cH202020}Or the government of an oil -based economy.)
7. And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. (翻译:你们尽可以抵制我们,否认我们 不过事实就是,你们只是野兽)
:// (翻译://
9. Well, you can save your oil. (翻译:你可以省着力气 我不为任何人软化 Well, you can save your oil.)
10. brought to you by Roxxon motor oil. (翻译:由罗克森机油公司赞助播出 Brought to you by Roxxon motor oil.)
11. Maybe it has nothing to do with the coal and oil we burn. (翻译:也许和煤与石油的燃烧无关 Maybe it has nothing to do with the coal and oil we burn.)
12. We are gong to an oil sheikdom. (翻译:We are gong to an oil sheikdom.)
13. Lanolin, Apricot Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Wheatgerm Oil, Calendula Extract, Essential Oil of Neroli (翻译:绵羊油;杏油;甜美的扁桃油;小麦芽油;金盏草萃取;橙花醇精油。)
14. Guys, we need to drain the oil. (翻译:我们要把油沥干 Guys, we need to drain the oil.)
15. Energy lobbies for oil companies, (翻译:能源部服务于石油公司 Energy lobbies for oil companies,)