restless night是什么意思 restless night的中文翻译、读音、例句

restless night是什么意思 restless night的中文翻译、读音、例句

restless night通常被翻译为"网络"的意思,在英美地区还有"焦躁不安的夜晚"的意思,发音是[restlessnight],restless night在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到11个与restless night相关的句子。

Restless night的翻译

例句:It's Charlie's big night, and the natives are a bit restless. (今晚是查理的重要日子 居民有些睡不好觉了)


例句:BE, played cards to beat a night last night (played cards to beat a night last night)


restless night一般作为名词使用,如在restless(焦躁不安的 )、night by night(夜夜,夜连夜)、night night(晚安(非正式))等常见短语中出现较多。

night by night夜夜,夜连夜
night night晚安(非正式)
night night![网络] 晚安;一夜又一夜;转转书--晚安
restless cavy【动物】野豚鼠(Cavia procellus)
restless legs[医] 多动腿(小腿麻痛感,不断活动可以消除)
restless legss[医] 多动腿(小腿麻痛感,不断活动可以消除)\n(restless legs 的复数)
restless life浮躁不安的生活\n不安定生活
restless limbs不宁肢体


1. - Nah, turned in for the night. (翻译:Nah, turned in for the night.)

2. There was something in the air that night (翻译:There was something in the air that night)

3. Night after night, day after day. (翻译:日以继夜 夜以继日 Night after night, day after day.)

4. The audience is getting restless, but you're here. (翻译:观众已经不淡定了 可是你在这啊 你在这啊)

5. Fever all through the night (翻译:Fever all through the night)

6. But I was too restless to be tied down. (翻译:太不安分了 不想被束缚 But I was too restless to be tied down.)

7. So they looked at "The Young and The Restless," and it wasn't that, either. (翻译:他们还看了《不安分的青春》, 号码也不对。)

8. It's what I needed after such a restless night, (翻译:它是我所需要的在这样一个 不宁之夜之后.)

9. Late at night every night. (翻译:每天晚上 Late at night every night.)

10. But last night we talked all night. (翻译:不过昨晚我们谈了一夜 But last night we talked all night.)

11. Tom had been restless and full of chafings and repinings; (翻译:汤 姆心里一直很不安,心里充满了烦恼和忧愁; )

12. Almost anything can cause the occasional restless night - a snoring partner, physical pain, or emotional distress. (翻译:几乎任何事情都可以造成 一个不眠之夜: 一个打呼噜的同伴, 身体上的疼痛, 或者情绪上的困扰。)

13. "If all people are brethren then why are the winds and the waves so restless?" (翻译:『如果四海之内皆兄弟』 那为什么外面的风雨 总不停?)

14. For the present, this information is for you only. (翻译:Good night, Francoise.)

15. Perhaps he was just restless. (翻译:Perhaps he was just restless.)

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