revolving sifter是什么意思 revolving sifter的中文翻译、读音、例句

revolving sifter是什么意思 revolving sifter的中文翻译、读音、例句

revolving sifter的意思是"回转筛",还有回转筛的意思,发音是[revolvingsifter],revolving sifter来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到18个与revolving sifter相关的例句。

Revolving sifter的翻译


例句:The Sweco GyraMax Gyratory Sifter can increase a plant's productivity in several ways. (我们生产的旋转过滤器可以从几个方面提高工厂的生产率。)


revolving sifter一般作为名词使用,如在sifter(n. 筛选工, 筛子\n[医] 筛粉机)、revolving(a. 回转的, 旋转的, 旋转式的\n[经] 循环, 周转)、drum sifter([化] 转筒筛)等常见短语中出现较多。

siftern. 筛选工, 筛子\n[医] 筛粉机
revolvinga. 回转的, 旋转的, 旋转式的\n[经] 循环, 周转
drum sifter[化] 转筒筛
flour sifter面粉筛
grading sifter分级[清选]细筛
gyratory sifter旋转式筛
junior sifter[食品] 小方筛
laboratory sifter验室[震动]筛分机
mechanical sifter机动筛


1. Cardio has been a revolving door around here, and no one's got my back. (翻译:我对心外科已经不奢望了 而且现在没人支持我)

2. Because after nine months of constantly revolving cell mates and crazy people and... (翻译:我可是在牢里过了九个月 轮流交换舍友的日子 里面还有疯子和...)

3. One of them was on account of not having enough ammo to back out of a revolving door. (翻译:其中一次是没弹药了 堵在一个旋转门后边了)

4. The Sifter salutes you and your craft! (翻译:该筛赞扬你和你的手艺! )

5. She waited for me for 23 years while I'm in and out of stir like it was a revolving door. (翻译:她等了我xx年,我进进出出监狱... ...就像是进一个旋转门一样)

6. To be informed of the cycle of revolving credit, a notice of every automatic revolving three instalments. (翻译:该可循环的信用证为通知循环,每通知一次,自动循环三个批次。)

7. What I need you to do is take that sifter, and then pour about half of that. (翻译:你需要做的 就是拿上那个筛子 然后倒一半的这个进去)

8. A prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis. (翻译:扁长球体是将一个椭圆体依其主轴旋转而成的。)

9. Dip brush into sifter and load with color, apply across the full eyelid as a base, or use tip of brush to contour and highlight. (翻译:浸刷成筛子和负载的颜色,适用于整个眼睑的基础上,或使用冰山刷轮廓和突出。)

10. Oh, I guess it's too busy revolving around you, ain't it, Donna? (翻译:维姬: 哦,我想这是太忙 旋转你的周围, 是不是,唐娜?)

11. I didn't. Not 800 feet above the ground in a revolving restaurant. (翻译:嗯,我不想 尤其是在250公尺高的旋转餐厅)

12. They went through the water hazard with a vacuum and a sifter-- came back with nothing. (翻译:没 他们用真空吸尘器和筛子 在障碍水池里找遍了 啥也没有)

13. they were twin whirlwinds of hatred , revolving about each other monstrously. (翻译:他们是两股仇恨的旋风,声势煊煊地绕着彼此旋转。)

14. And that's where the idea of creating a revolving bail fund -- because bail comes back at the end of a case, if we could raise money and put it in a fund, and have a revolving fund, we could just pay bail for our clients. (翻译:这就是我们创建 循环保释基金的想法—— 因为保释金 在案件的最后会被退回, 如果我们可以为这个基金筹集资金, 创建一个循环基金, 我们就能为客户支付保释金。)

15. I started seeing them, too, revolving around you like an atom. (翻译:我也开始看见他们 围着你转 就像一颗原子 但)

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