'rines'这个单词可能是拼写错误,应为 'rings',即戒指的意思。戒指是一种首饰,通常由金属制成,戴在手指上。戒指在不同文化和宗教中都具有不同的象征意义,例如婚姻、承诺、权力等。
1. 英语:ring - She wore a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.
2. 法语:bague - Il lui a offert une bague en or pour leur anniversaire.
3. 西班牙语:anillo - Él se arrodilló y le pidió matrimonio con un anillo de diamantes.
4. 德语:Ring - Sie trug einen wunderschönen Diamantring an ihrem Finger.
5. 意大利语:anello - Lei indossava un bellissimo anello di diamanti al dito.
6. 俄语:кольцо (kol'tso) - Она носила красивое бриллиантовое кольцо на пальце.
7. 日语:指輪 (yubiwa) - 彼女は指に美しいダイヤモンドの指輪をつけていた。
例句:But as well as being a scientist, Mr Rines was for 50 years a patent lawyer. (莱恩斯先生是名科学家,但在过去的xx年内他也是名专利代理律师。)
例句:More pertinently, Mr Rines was already primed to see something in the loch. (更确切的说,莱恩斯先生已准备在湖中发现点什么了。)
例句:But as well as being a scientist, Mr Rines was for 50 years a patent lawyer. (除了是一名科学家,莱恩斯还作了xx年的专利律师。)
1. But as well as being a scientist, Mr Rines was for 50 years a patent lawyer. (翻译:除了是一名科学家,莱恩斯还作了xx年的专利律师。)
2. Robert Rines, scientist and Nessie-hunter, died on November 1st, aged 87 (翻译:罗伯特·莱恩斯——科学家、尼斯水怪追寻者——于xx月xx日逝世,享年xx岁)
3. Direction: Make your hair wet then apply the product on your hair rubbing for some minutes and rines it , again if necessary. (翻译:使用说明:弄湿头发,然后将该产品于头上搓揉几分钟再把它冲洗干净。必要时可再重复一遍。)
4. More pertinently, Mr Rines was already primed to see something in the loch. (翻译:更确切的说,莱恩斯先生已准备在湖中发现点什么了。)
5. Robert Rines knew that perfectly, because he was a scientist himself, and a good one. (翻译:罗伯特•莱恩斯深谙此道,因为他自己就是位科学家,一位出色的科学工作者。)
6. You GI-rines, you got nothing but jungle rot and malaria. (翻译:你们海陆弟兄除了热带皮肤病 和疟疾什么都没有)
7. Robert Rines, scientist and Nessie-hunter, died on November 1st, aged 87. (翻译:罗伯特·莱恩斯——科学家、尼斯水怪追寻者——于xx月xx日逝世,享年xx岁。)