roegneria foliosa是什么意思 roegneria foliosa的中文翻译、读音、例句

roegneria foliosa是什么意思 roegneria foliosa的中文翻译、读音、例句

roegneria foliosa通常被翻译为"多叶鹅观草"的意思,还有多叶鹅观草的意思,在线发音:[roegneriafoliosa],roegneria foliosa来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到99个与roegneria foliosa相关的句子。

Roegneria foliosa的释义


例句:I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna (I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna)


roegneria foliosa一般作为名词使用,如在Roegneria foliosa(n. 多叶鹅观草)、foliosa([网络] 叶状狸藻节;叶状狸藻组;石缝蝇子草)、Goodyera foliosa(n. 多叶斑叶兰)等常见短语中出现较多。

Roegneria foliosan. 多叶鹅观草
foliosa[网络] 叶状狸藻节;叶状狸藻组;石缝蝇子草
Goodyera foliosan. 多叶斑叶兰
montipora foliosa叶形表孔珊瑚
Parnassia foliosan. 白耳菜
Silene foliosan. 石缝蝇子草
umbilicosphaera foliosa叠叶脐球藻
Roegneria aboliniin. 异芒鹅观草
Roegneria alienan. 涞源鹅观草
Roegneria altissiman. 高株鹅观草


1. unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces. (翻译:未受精的龙虾卵;烹饪时变红;用作装饰或给酱油加色。)

2. SiuMai ? The outer layer is soft, made with wheat flour. The center is usually garnished with an orange dot, made of roe . (翻译:烧卖的外层是柔软的小麦面皮,中央开口处点缀一些金黄色的鱼子酱。)

3. Green Asparagus Soup, Salmon Roe, Chive-Lemon Oil. (翻译:绿芦笋汤, 三文鱼籽, 香葱柠檬油。)

4. The South Hall library is a church and these are the sacraments, original folios of the most important texts in history. (翻译:图书馆南馆是教堂 这些是圣典 历史上重要的对开本原版文献)

5. The state already has a "trigger law" on the books, which would ban most abortions, if the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade. (翻译:该州已将“触发法律”写入法律,如果最高法院对罗诉韦德案进行翻案,这条法律会禁止大多数的堕胎行为。)

6. ♪ And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ (翻译:♪ And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪)

7. No, I-I-I can understand that. (翻译:I -I -I can understand that.)

8. Hacking around they discovered that a sequence of about 2, 000 digits of any sort can be shanghaied into serving as roe for a possible fish. (翻译:通过到处乱闯他们发现,一系列大约2,000个各种形式的数码都能被拐走而变成某种可能的鱼的鱼卵。)

9. But if you make a 39% return on equity when everything goes right, what if things go wrong, and a hedge fund or two blows up in your face? (翻译:在一切顺利的情况下ROE比率达到39%,但是如果情况异常,或是一、两个对冲基金操作失败,情况又会怎样呢?)

10. Review Master Folios to ensure that they are properly checked-in to the computer. (翻译:检查房态图主页,看它们是不是被恰当地录入电脑了。)

11. soft roe Gonads from male fish, milt; sold fresh, canned, particularly milts from herring, mackerel, etc. (翻译:软鱼白雄鱼的生殖腺,精巢;以生鲜、装罐贩卖,特别是指取自鲱鱼、鲭等等的精巢。)

12. Pulling the faeces apart to see what they contained revealed that wolves seem to prefer roe deer, but also ate wild boar, hare and badger. (翻译:通过分解粪便可以看出,狼似乎更喜欢狍,而且还吃野猪、野兔和獾。)

13. I did everything I could, I swear to God! (翻译:I... I did everything I could, I swear to God!)

14. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna (翻译:I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna)

15. According to Dilys Roe, senior researcher at IIED, all three reviews will be published within the next two months. (翻译:IIED的高级研究员DilysRoe说,全部三份综述将在未来两个月内发表。)

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