rotating duplex compressor是什么意思 rotating duplex compressor的中文翻译、

rotating duplex compressor是什么意思 rotating duplex compressor的中文翻译、

rotating duplex compressor的中文解释是"双联式旋转压气机",其次还有"双联式旋转压气机"的意思,发音是[rotatingduplexcompressor],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与rotating duplex compressor相关的例句。

Rotating duplex compressor的释义


例句:This is Nelson Perez, he works at the compressor station. (-嗨 这位是尼尔森培瑞兹 -他在压缩机组那里工作)


rotating duplex compressor一般作为名词使用,如在duplex compressor(【机械工程】复式压缩机)、rotating compressor([化] 旋转式压缩机)、duplex tandem compressor(双并双串压气机)等常见短语中出现较多。

duplex compressor【机械工程】复式压缩机
rotating compressor[化] 旋转式压缩机
duplex tandem compressor双并双串压气机
duplex type compressor复式压缩机,复式风泵
multiblade rotating compressor复叶旋转压缩机
rotating[医] 旋转的, 转动的
dual compressor双转子压气机
displacement compressor容积式压缩机


1. Helicity depicts dynamic feature of fluid that is rotating while moving along the rotating direction. (翻译:螺旋度是表征流体边旋转边沿旋转方向运动的动力性质的物理量。)

2. You got a new rotating student. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}有个新的轮换学生给你带 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}You got a new rotating student.)

3. And, because it is a rotating circular everything will appear as a circle. (翻译:将导致星星的位置也是随时间变化的. 而且, 因为这是圆周旋转,)

4. It achieves this by rotating LEDs about two axes. (翻译:这是通过在两个轨道旋转二极发光管来实现的。)

5. Japan DAIKIN compressor, freezing water quickly , with long life span; (翻译:日本DAIKIN压缩机,制冷速度快,机器寿命特长; )

6. Application of transrectal color ultrasonography in the diagnosis of ureteral duplex with ectopia of the ureteral orifice (翻译:经直肠彩超在诊断重复输尿管畸形并异位开口的应用)

7. Repeat, keep this line open. This is duplex. Look at your clock. (翻译:重复一次 我需要这根电话线路保持开通 看看你的表 现在这里是12:)

8. My cousin and his friends went to the duplex to retrieve your car and belongings. (翻译:是的 我表弟和他的朋友们 去公寓那边把你的车和物品拿过来了)

9. Some moof milker put a compressor on the ignition line. (翻译:有个穆夫牛挤奶工在点火线上装了个压缩机 Some moof milker put a compressor on the ignition line.)

10. Duplex cold crystal peak was also observed in the DSC of PET by vapour of unactive… (翻译:双冷结晶峰现象在一些非反应性溶剂处理过的PET试样的DSC曲线也观察到。)

11. And we are Homo duplex because we evolved by multilevel selection, as Darwin explained. (翻译:我们具有双重性 是因为我们由多层次的选择中进化过来的 正如达尔文所解释的 )

12. Downside of being blind, I hear everything in this duplex. (翻译:Downside of being blind, I hear everything in this duplex.)

13. The oppressor suppressed his ag GREssive opinion about compressor. (翻译:压制者制止了他的有关压缩机的挑衅性观点。)

14. A fire wall is to be in place if it is a traditional duplex style. (翻译:一个防火墙是在地方,如果它是一个传统的双面风格。)

15. The compressor exhaust volute is one of the important aspects of the compressor unit. (翻译:压气机排气蜗壳是压气机机组的一个重要组成部分。)

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