rough grazing是什么意思 rough grazing的中文翻译、读音、例句

rough grazing是什么意思 rough grazing的中文翻译、读音、例句

rough grazing的中文解释是"粗放牧",还有粗草场放牧的意思,在线发音:[roughgrazing],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到45个与rough grazing相关的例句。

Rough grazing的词典翻译


例句:- Rough night, Casey Jones? (今晚不顺吗 凯西・琼斯[美国偶像第九季季军] Rough night, Casey Jones?)


例句:We ran some rough numbers... (We ran some rough numbers... 我们做了些大概数字..)


rough grazing一般作为名词使用,如在grazing(n. 放牧, 牧草, 草场, 放牧法)、in rough(大体上,大致上;大概,约莫)、in the rough(未完成的, 未加工的, 大致上\n[经] 未加工的)等常见短语中出现较多。

grazingn. 放牧, 牧草, 草场, 放牧法
in rough大体上,大致上;大概,约莫
in the rough未完成的, 未加工的, 大致上\n[经] 未加工的
rough ... inun. 概略地写出\n[网络] 草拟;画出…的草图;放样
rough in草拟;敷设
rough it因陋就简地生活
rough on[网络] 苛待;对……是不幸的
the rough[网络] 难处理的事;逆境;爱尔兰民谣简略指南
to rough[网络] 大体描述


1. Wheelchair for maternity, check in. - Rough night? (翻译:昨晚很糟吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Rough night?)

2. The business has been running a little rough lately. (翻译:最近的生意不太好 The business has been running a little rough lately.)

3. To succeed here, she needs to find prey grazing close to the edge. (翻译:To succeed here, 为了这次成功 she needs to find prey grazing close to the edge. 它需要找到在边缘吃草的猎物)

4. Light grazing or over grazing lead to deteriorative succession of artificial sward. (翻译:轻度放牧或过度放牧都可以引起人工草地的退化演替。)

5. Rainforests are being leveled to create grazing land. (翻译:雨林被砍,是为了开辟牧场。)

6. The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture. (翻译:牛群现在出去了,正在牧场上吃草。)

7. We can expect a rough ride for the next 15 minutes. (翻译:Expect a rough ride for the next 15 minutes.)

8. Sheep were grazing in the fields. (翻译:羊在野地里吃草。)

9. I had a rough day at work today. (翻译:我今天工作很不顺利 I had a rough day at work today.)

10. Rough on the condo market. (翻译:房地产业萧条 Rough on the condo market.)

11. I counted 34 wild goats grazing. (翻译:我数了有34只野山羊在吃草。)

12. So I had to rough him up a little bit. (翻译:So I had to rough him up a little bit.)

13. Obviously, merle and I are going through A heck of a rough patch. (翻译:显然 莫尔和我正在闹矛盾 Obviously, Merle and I are going through a heck of a rough patch.)

14. Scott, you sound a little rough. (翻译:斯科特 你听起来有点喘 Scott, you sound a little rough.)

15. Go grazing or you'll be back late! (翻译:放牧去 要不然你就晚点儿 回来! 你听到没?)

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