rubik是什么意思 rubik的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubik是什么意思 rubik的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Rubik's Cube: 鲁比克魔方

2. Solve a Rubik's Cube: 解鲁比克魔方

3. Rubik's Cube Competition: 鲁比克魔方比赛


1. Rubik's Cube Algorithms: 解魔方的算法

2. Rubik's Cube Patterns: 魔方的图案

3. Rubik's Cube Solution: 魔方的解法



rubik是一个名词,指的是魔方(Rubik's Cube),也可以指代魔方的创造者鲁比克(Ernő Rubik)。




1. I can solve a rubik's cube in under a minute.(我能在一分钟内完成一个魔方。)

2. Ernő Rubik is a Hungarian inventor and architect who created the famous Rubik's Cube.(Ernő Rubik是匈牙利发明家和建筑师,他创造了著名的魔方。)




例句:This is about your frustration at not being able to solve me like a Rubik's cube. (是你没能像转魔方一样把我轻松搞定 你心里不爽)


例句:Just off the top of my head, quizzes, carving Sunday roasts, the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Sphere. (随便说几个 猜谜语 切烤肉 玩魔方 魔术球)


例句:He finally pulled off Rubik s Cube. (最后他成功地完成了魔方游戏。)


例句:A while ago, the ah-boy was engrossed in solving Rubik's cube because, well, his social circle was engrossed in it. (翻译:前一阵子,由于社交圈子里的人都喜欢,所以小男孩沉迷于破解魔术方块。)


rubik一般作为名词使用,如在Rubik Cube(n. 魔方;由数个可转动的彩色小块组成\n[网络] 魔术方块;魔方文件夹;鲁比克魔方)、rubik's([网络] 鲁比克;国外进口魔方;鲁比克魔方)、Rubik's Clock(魔钟,鲁比克氏钟(用作智力测验的玩具))等常见短语中出现较多。

Rubik Cuben. 魔方;由数个可转动的彩色小块组成\n[网络] 魔术方块;魔方文件夹;鲁比克魔方
rubik's[网络] 鲁比克;国外进口魔方;鲁比克魔方
Rubik's Clock魔钟,鲁比克氏钟(用作智力测验的玩具)
Rubik's cuben. 魔方;通常为方形\n[网络] 魔术方块;扭计骰;鲁比克魔方
Rubik's cubesn. 一种玩具;通常为方形\n[网络] 魔方;标准魔术方块
Rubik's cubist[网络] 魔方立体派
Rubik's cubists[网络] 魔术师的立体派
Rubik's Revenge[网络] 魔方的复仇;四阶扭计骰;四阶魔方
Rubik's Revenges[网络] 魔术师的复仇


1. He finally pulled off Rubik s Cube. (翻译:最后他成功地完成了魔方游戏。)

2. A while ago, the ah-boy was engrossed in solving Rubik's cube because, well, his social circle was engrossed in it. (翻译:前一阵子,由于社交圈子里的人都喜欢,所以小男孩沉迷于破解魔术方块。)

3. Will, as tog, like Rubik's Cube suddenly changed greatly? (翻译:会不会,像来克一样,魔方突然变大呢? )

4. Allofasudden,this guy comes past with a Rubik's Cube-- scrambled up, which was part of the code-- but the man before them is not what they'd expected. (翻译:突然,一个人来到圆一个谜立方体,这是混乱和密码相同的,如果一部分)

5. I was clearly more interested in the Rubik's Cube than my younger brother. (翻译:显然我对魔方更有兴趣, 完全无视我弟弟。)

6. Back when the Rubik's Cube was in its hey day, the kitchen was probably mostly foreign territory for you. (翻译:当魔方嘿一天,厨房可能是大多为您的外国领土。)

7. Curious tog into the rubik "s cube world." (翻译:好奇的来克进入到魔方世界里。)

8. It actually has -- the number of symmetries in the Rubik's cube has 25 digits. (翻译:实际上,魔方对称种数的答案 有25位数字。)

9. It can take a randomly shuffled Rubik's Cube. (翻译:它可以对付任何一个随机旋转出的鲁比克魔方。)

10. Could be a fully solved Rubik's Cube with the red side facing up. (翻译:有可能是一个已经破解并且红色一面朝上的魔方)

11. On February 7th, Alcatel-Lucent unveiled technology that reduces the size of a wireless base station from a filing cabinet to that of a Rubik's cube. (翻译:阿尔卡特朗讯公司于xx月xx日公布了一项新技术,该技术能够将无线基站的体积从一个文件柜缩小至魔方一般。)

12. Rubik "s cube invention has swept the world soon after." (翻译:魔方发明后不久就风靡世界。)

13. Here's a picture of you as a kid, with a Rubik's Cube. (翻译:这是一张你小时候的照片, 你手里拿着魔方。)

14. Like a puzzle waiting to be solved, a Rubik's cube an uncharted constellation. (翻译:就像一些等待被解答的迷题 一些漂亮的星星)

15. It actually has -- the number of symmetries in the Rubik's cube has 25 digits. (翻译:实际上,魔方对称种数的答案 有25位数字。)



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