ruffiac是什么意思 ruffiac的中文翻译、读音、例句

ruffiac是什么意思 ruffiac的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the "Diller-Plex" , IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry. (目前迪勒先生只有“Diller-Plex”还算有型,这是IAC新的时髦办公室,在曼哈顿,是弗兰克盖里设计的。)


例句:The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the “Diller-Plex”, IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry. (目前迪勒先生只有“Diller-Plex”还算有型,这是IAC新的时髦办公室,在曼哈顿,是弗兰克盖里设计的。)


例句:And it is commonly believed that such session which does not use the IAC. (而且,这样的不用IAC的会话通常被相信。)


ruffiac一般作为名词使用,如在Ruffiac([地名] 吕菲亚克 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Ruffiac[地名] 吕菲亚克 ( 法 )


1. And it is commonly believed that such session which does not use the IAC. (翻译:而且,这样的不用IAC的会话通常被相信。)

2. So if you think of the word "set," a set can be a badger's burrow, a set can be one of the pleats in an Elizabethan ruff, and there's one numbered definition in the OED. (翻译:当你想到一个词“set”—“set”可以指獾的穴, 也可以指伊利沙白时代衣领上的褶—— 在 OED 里就有好几个定义, )

3. Lady Gaga wore this tuxedo-ish number, with what looks like portions of an Elizabethan neck ruff protruding from the jacket. (翻译:Lady Gaga穿着一件燕尾服式的礼服,一圈类似于伊丽莎白时期的颈部飞边从外套里突了出来。)

4. Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US took part in the study. (翻译:来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的研究科学家史蒂夫·拉夫参加了该项研究。)

5. They said the paint used was also characteristic of that period, as was the intricate and costly style of the lace ruff worn by the man in the portrait. (翻译:他们说,像肖像画里男人所穿戴的复杂而又昂贵的蕾丝飞边那样,所用的颜料也具有那个时期的特征。)

6. And then Justine's employers got involved: [IAC on @JustineSacco tweet: This is an outrageous, offensive comment. (翻译:然后呢,贾丝婷的雇主也搭腔了: [IAC 就@贾丝婷·萨科发表推文: 该帖出言不逊,令人发指。)

7. Musk himself was in attendance at IAC to watch, too. (翻译:麝香自己是在出席国际综艺合家欢也去看看吧。)

8. Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion. (翻译:双明手,石淼这个庄须得兑现HA,DA过手,将吃一张草花,然后打方块。这个牙医妙招可以避免将牌升级。)

9. common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season. (翻译:欧亚大陆普通的矶鹬;雄鸟的颈毛在繁殖期可直立。)

10. So if you think of the word "set," a set can be a badger's burrow, a set can be one of the pleats in an Elizabethan ruff, and there's one numbered definition in the OED. (翻译:当你想到一个词“set”—“set”可以指獾的穴, 也可以指伊利沙白时代衣领上的褶—— 在 OED 里就有好几个定义,)

11. A rear view of the Tesla Model S prototype at the company's event at the IAC headquarters. (翻译:特斯拉模型原型后视该公司的总部设在国际综艺合家欢活动。)

12. large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck. (翻译:栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤。)

13. It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit. (翻译:它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。)

14. The user name for an online puppy forum called Ruff Around the Ears. (翻译:是注册在一个叫Ruff Around the Ears的 The user name for an online puppy forum 在线宠物论坛的用户名 called Ruff Around the Ears.)

15. "Ruff . . . . . . Worried to death I, bad guy. " First she pretended to cry, and then toot has small mouth and said. (翻译:“呜……担心死我了,坏蛋。”她先是假装哭泣,然后再嘟起小嘴说道。)

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