sacral nerves是什么意思 sacral nerves的中文翻译、读音、例句

sacral nerves是什么意思 sacral nerves的中文翻译、读音、例句

sacral nerves在中文中有"骶神经"的意思,在英美地区还有"骶神经"的意思,发音是[sacralnerves],sacral nerves常被用作名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到70个与sacral nerves相关的例句。

Sacral nerves的词典翻译


例句:There are nerves... look, you need a specialist, okay? (神经太复杂了... 听着 你需要一个专职医生)


sacral nerves一般作为名词使用,如在sacral splanchnic nerves(骶内脏神经)、sacral(①骶骨的②圣礼的 )、nerves(n. 神经质, 神经紧张)等常见短语中出现较多。

sacral splanchnic nerves骶内脏神经
nervesn. 神经质, 神经紧张
foramen sacral颜孔,荐椎孔
sacral artery荐椎动物
sacral articulation荐椎关节
sacral bone[医] 骶骨
sacral bursae[医] 骶部囊
sacral cornu骶角


1. How did you get to reattach severed nerves... (翻译:那么你是如何修复好受损的神经 How did you get to reattach severed nerves...)

2. When the nerves are damaged, these GLS can nourish the nerves, join the process of nerve repair, and prevent nerve degeneration. (翻译:预防性给与神经节苷脂,对神经损伤后变性的预防作用在程度和时间上都是有限的。)

3. They send signals along your nerves to the sacral region in your spinal cord. (翻译:它们通过神经发送信号到骨髓骶的中枢区域 )

4. It has many surgery approaches, such as laparoscopic sacral suture and hysteropexy. (翻译:它有许多手术方法,例如腹腔镜缝合和子宫切除术。)

5. The transplanted nerves will act as a conduit to allow the baby's undamaged fight-hand nerves to grow over to his left side. (翻译:被移植的神经就像导线一样发挥作用,可以使婴儿未受损伤的右手神经向其左侧延伸生长。)

6. Lord Henry's casual questioning had made him lose his nerves for the moment, and he wanted his nerves still. (翻译:享利勋爵无心的发问叫他当时心慌意乱,而他希望自己能保持镇静。)

7. She said, "Yes, if the sacral nerve is being oxygenated. You conceivably could. " (翻译:她回到到“能,只要骶神经供氧充足,你可以令人信服的做到。”)

8. You gotta be still, you could still damage the nerves in your arms. You're gonna be okay. (翻译:you could still damage the nerves in your arms.)

9. Gets on your nerves, seeing that every day. (翻译:你明白了? 每天都看到这些情况着实叫人不安)

10. Her nerves were in shreds. (翻译:她的神经崩溃了。)

11. They're losing their nerves. (翻译:陆军将牺牲 血他们的最后一滴血 连医生正在死去。)

12. With aging, patients with OA maintained the lumbar lordotic angle and did not develop a posterior sacral slope angle. (翻译:但OA患者随着年龄增大,他们的腰椎前凸角保持不变,同时也不会出现骶骨后倾角。)

13. She said, "Yes, if the sacral nerve is being oxygenated, you conceivably could." (翻译:她回到到“能,只要骶神经供氧充足, 你可以令人信服的做到。” )

14. The length of the road began to nag at my nerves. (翻译:车道漫漫,不见尽头,我的神经开始受不住了。)

15. Nerves are yellow, arteries are red, veins are blue. (翻译:黄色的是神经,红色的是动脉, 蓝色是静脉。)


sacral nerves作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、sacral、nerve/1、s等。

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