sailing regatta是什么意思 sailing regatta的中文翻译、读音、例句

sailing regatta是什么意思 sailing regatta的中文翻译、读音、例句

sailing regatta的意思是"驶帆竞赛",其中文解释还有"快艇比赛"的意思,发音是[sailingregatta],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到95个与sailing regatta相关的例句。

Sailing regatta的中文翻译


例句:More than anything else, Abaco is synonymous with sailing. (与其他的称号相比,阿巴克经常是航海的代名词。)


例句:They are calling him the Bob Beamon of sailing. (他被称为航海界的鲍勃·比蒙。)


sailing regatta一般作为名词使用,如在regatta(划船比赛 )、sailing(n. 航行, 航海术, 启航\na. 航行的)、sailing to(向……启航\n驶往……)等常见短语中出现较多。

sailingn. 航行, 航海术, 启航\na. 航行的
sailing to向……启航\n驶往……
henley regatta[网络] 皇家赛船会;亨利皇家划船赛;汉利划船赛
marine regatta[网络] 海上军事演习
Refugee Regatta[网络] 难民赛
regatta rowing划船赛会
rowing regatta划艇比赛
yacht regatta游艇比赛


1. No one will be on our route. (翻译:-pocalypse. 绝对一路畅通无阻 不见一车 No one will be on our route. Smooth sailing.)

2. IT's the trailblazer of solar sailing. (翻译:它是太阳航行领域先驱者。)

3. Some of the great events of the season are Henley Royal Regatta, Wimbledon, Cowes Week and Glyndebourne. (翻译:英格兰夏日中的著名活动有:亨利皇家赛舟会,温布尔登网球公开赛,考斯帆船周和格林德伯恩音乐节。)

4. He did write an iconic chart topper: "Sailing." (翻译:他确实写了一首名为《航行》的歌 名列音乐榜首 He did write an iconic chart topper 罗德・斯图尔特名曲)

5. Sailing is good fun. (翻译:帆船运动很有乐趣。)

6. The board has asked me to ask you if you would consider moving your boat for the regatta. (翻译:董事会要我问你,如果 你要考虑把你的船. 正赛。)

7. This is a sailing ship. Why does the engine have to fix it? (翻译:这不是帆船么 而且你什么时候开始做机械活了)

8. # Sailing over a cardboard sea # (翻译:# Sailing over a cardboard sea # #航行在一个纸板海#)

9. The soldier are sailing for old Blighty tomorrow. (翻译:士兵明日将启航返英国本土。)

10. Good sailing' to ya, shipmate. (翻译:一路顺风,伙计。Good sailing to ya, shipmate.)

11. I came in with the sole purpose of inviting you sailing. (翻译:昨天我去餐厅只有一个目的就是邀请你出来航海)

12. There's also a roster of key family members, a glossary, sailing terms. - Sailing? (翻译:这里有主要家庭成员名单, 还有一份关于航海的术语表)

13. It will not be possible to go to Australia because they stole my sailing ticket! (翻译:我去不了澳大利亚 是因为他们偷了我的船票)

14. The other occupants are a dragon-boat team and their supporters returning from a regatta in Wellington. (翻译:车上其它人都来自一支龙舟队及其支持者。他们刚从威灵顿参赛归来。)

15. Jason is taking Garret into town sailing now. (翻译:Jason 要带着Garret 到村子里逛逛.)

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